TIME Picked The Wrong One, Again – IOTW Report

TIME Picked The Wrong One, Again

While “Time” magazine fell in love with the Swedish scowler, Greta Thunburg, naming her “Person of the Year,  Bill Whittle explains how they got it wrong and who should really have been chosen. Watch

13 Comments on TIME Picked The Wrong One, Again

  1. No legitimate magazine would pick that pathetic brain washed girl for any recognition. Donald Trump is the man of the year and they are too childish to accept the truth.

  2. Like NewsWeak and the other swamp-crap publications like it, Time exists solely for its cover value at Supermarket checkout lines. Kind of like the constant barrage of heavily photoshopped pictures of that racist beast michelle obama at the checkout line and at bookstores. (Curiously, none at local zoos).

    As we have FINALLY and collectively seen our word of mouth has a lot more power than the swamp/left/isliamic bullshit axis publications at supermarket checkout lines and in book stores.

    But don’t rest on your laurels. (For you michelle obama fans: resting on your laurels means to feel too comfortable because you have succeeded in the past; resting on your laurels does NOT mean taking a dump).

  3. Bill gives Greta credit for sailing and putting her actions where her mouth is. I have to disagree with Bill and I rarely disagree with him. The damn boat was made out of CARBON fiber, the same stuff that is apparently killing everyone and everything. Carbon fiber costs a ton of energy to produce. In fact, it’s about 14 times as energy-intensive as producing steel, and the creation process spews out a significant amount of greenhouse gases.

    Txn4Evr: 1938 was Hitler, 1939 was Stalin.

  4. Also, don’t forget that Khomeini, a worthy successor to Hitler and Stalin, was the Man of the Year in 1979.

    I can’t help but think that Jeffrey Epstein would have applauded putting a 16 year old girl with mental challenges on the cover of Time as the Person of the Year. In fact, if asked I’m sure Epstein could have suggested several teenage girls for the cover.

  5. Maybe it’s the right one.

    Look who has graced the cover in the past: Roosevelt, Hitler, Stalin, Mao. I don’t know if Pol Pot made the cover. He killed only a couple of million people – maybe not enough for Time.

  6. Just because she sailed across the Atlantic, doesn’t make her a hero. People go on cruises all the time. The real heroes were those people on that Carnival cruise who had to eat onion and mustard sammiches.


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