Time to move supply chains out of China – IOTW Report

Time to move supply chains out of China

Wa Ex: The coronavirus pandemic has businesses and lawmakers intensifying efforts to move their supply chains out of China.

Businesses will never pull out of China completely since it represents too large of a market in itself to ignore. But the virus has put many businesses on notice that they need to diversify their supply chains. At the same time, President Trump and members of Congress are providing additional incentives by vowing to change trade rules to discourage Chinese sources.

The trend of manufacturers rethinking China as a source began well before the virus, said Michael Dunne, director of ZoZo Go, a China-based automotive consulting group. Tariffs sparked by the Trump administration’s trade war with Beijing forced many companies to realize that they depended too much on one region and were vulnerable if the terms of trade were altered. Many were well into a search when the year started for other places in Asia and the Pacific region to source materials or to establish manufacturing. read more

11 Comments on Time to move supply chains out of China

  1. Everything of strategic importance, those things that would strangle our lives and well being if we didn’t have them, should be required to be of American origin. Everything from mining to manufacturing essential products of all kinds (i.e. pharmaceuticals and rare earths).

    Failing to do this makes us a nation that is subservient to those controlling the countries we depend on to supply them.

    It’s a matter of National Security at the minimum, a trusted ally today may become a formidable enemy tomorrow if we allow ourselves to be set up this way.

  2. The globalists must be meeting and plotting their next move. Not because they give a flying fig about free trade, human rights or the pillage they wrought on the fly-overs.

    They must be coming to the realization there exists no other source to tap with the GDP equal to the US that can absorb the weight of higher priced food, pharmaceuticals, etc, combined with slave labor wages in third world countries, required to keep them in the lifestyles to which they’re accustomed.

    I suppose they thought they were impervious to the implications associated with destruction of our manufacturing industries as a trade for cheap goods and a nation of consumers working the service industries.
    Worked great for them…until China decided not to play nice.

    Well that and the realization their families use TP too. Yes, your maid Consuela will have to fight it out with the rest of us schlupp’s at Costco.

  3. I read some time ago that China is crafting new laws that will compel companies to “share” their intellectual properties with the ChiComs as a condition of doing business there. This is already true to some extent, but this is new direction ups the ante and is meant to streamline and make more efficient the theft that has been going on for decades.

  4. China needs to be punished for this and it shouldn’t be just repatriating key industries. The number of Chinese at the universities needs to be drastically cut along with the number of Chinese nationals working at both American and Chinese owned businesses in the US. China should be limited in the number and value of funding given to Universities to make sure that the influence they wield at those institutions is limited. In addition any foreign national (not just the Chinese) convicted in espionage of any type is sentenced to the maximum possible penalty.

  5. We were insane to ever let an openly hostile country have any of our industry. I understand that over-unionization laid waste to a lot of American industry but legislation would have been a better remedy.

  6. Also time to stop all immigration from china and stop importing students from china. How many chinese have we imported into our nation and whats it gotten us? How many americans would be allowed to move to china get jobs and citizensip if they had the wealthier country? Ha! Try ZERO. Enough


    Mean while, Silicon Valley is ramping back up for Semi Conductor just as fast as they can.

  8. Will the chi comms call in their influence they have bribed so many democrats for, starting with bill clinton? And their whores in hollywood and US universities?

  9. Oppsie. The Chicom plan to remove Trump by damaging the economy via releasing the Wuhan bio-lab modified coronavirus, and keeping quiet about it until its spread became a roaring bonfire, maybe backfiring.


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