Time To Play “Who’s The Bigger Idiot?” – IOTW Report

Time To Play “Who’s The Bigger Idiot?”

Some shrewnut was jealous of her ex-boyfriend’s successful marriage, so out of spite she posted an ad on Craigslist asking any man to step up and fulfill his wife’s “rape fantasy,” trying to lure men to rape his wife.

So, who’s the bigger idiot, the woman who posted the ad, or the moron who ANSWERED THE AD and attempted to rape the pregnant wife?


‘Hadley is accused of telling the responders that the victim wanted the responders to have forcible sexual intercourse with her, even if she screamed or resisted,’ the Orange County DA said in a statement.

‘Several of the responders showed up at Jane Doe’s residence with the intention of raping the victim but did not succeed.

‘One responder arrived at Jane Doe’s residence and physically attacked the victim before she was able to call for help and the man fled the scene.’

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15 Comments on Time To Play “Who’s The Bigger Idiot?”

  1. I agree, maximum prosecution for all parties, as should be the case for the catastrophic Benghazi blunder, leaking classified information on your private server and lying during the investigation of both criminal activities.

    Life for attempting to get your x-boyfriends wife raped.

    No indictment or prosecution for getting 4 people killed in Benghazi, threatening National Security by thwarting the laws, rules and policies of the US Government and lying about all of it.

    It’s all a matter of motive, I suppose.
    Right Comey? Right Lynch?

  2. “…so out of spite she posted an ad on Craigslist asking any man to step up and fulfill her “rape fantasy” makes it sound like the ex-girlfriend is the one targeting herself for rape. However, subsequent sentences indicate the guy didn’t go after her, but instead attacked the new wife. It’s a bit confusing, but I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that the ex-gf placed the ad in the new wife’s name, and not her own.

    Correct me if I’m wrong, though.


  3. I’m sorta surprised (sorta, not a lot) that there aren’t some dead attempted rapists. Some people need killing – that’s all there is to it.

    WTF is wrong with people?

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. It looks like Hillary just lost another voter.

    Wouldn’t be so bad if the ad specified “Must be Hillary Clinton Supporters” and then they all ended up getting shot.

  5. “Only following orders” not sufficient explanation? I’ve got paperwork, and everything!

    Oh, no. No. NO! Doubting instructions leads to the anarchist collective! Is that what you want?!


    Thought begets Heresy. Heresy begets retribution.

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