Time to tear down the monument of the racist FDR – IOTW Report

Time to tear down the monument of the racist FDR

Tear it down-

17 Comments on Time to tear down the monument of the racist FDR

  1. FDR was a democratic politician during a time when the laws of this country supported “separate but (not) equal” policies everywhere – name one school he integrated or one Army force he allowed blacks/whites to fight side by side in.

    RACIST!!!!!! Tear’ em down.

  2. I say give him back his penguin style cigarette holder. It’s supposed to be right there. Look at his right hand. There’s even a space between the fingers where it was until the democrat health nazis decided to rewrite history and make FDR a non smoker.

    Once he has his cigs back, do what you like. Tear it down, melt it for scrap, build a toilet, whatever.

  3. I had a friend who used to do a great imitation of Roosevelt’s famous declaration: “I hate war (pronounced ‘woah’), Eleanor hates war, and our dog, Fala, hates war.”

    He would turn his head in profile, put a pencil in his mouth to simulate Roosevelt’s cigarette holder, and say,

    “I hate woah,
    Eleanor hates woah,
    and Fala hates Eleanor.”


    RIP, Art. You were the best.

  4. I am totally against tearing any statues down. Totally against removing any historical monuments. It is just destruction and serves no useful purpose. It is stupid. When they are all taken down and destroyed and wiped from history, what will the destructionists have accomplished? Nothing, nada, stugots, not a phucking thing! Politicians will continue to lie to us, blacks will continue not going to school and shooting each other, the poor will continue to be poor because they are the richest poor people in the world (well fed and fat) Low life blacks will continue to demonize decent hard working blacks for acting white. The media will continue to search for faults in America, and find them. We were never perfect.
    In New York City, the mayor and most of the City Council, all communists, are contemplating the removal of Christopher Columbus
    from Columbus Circle at 59th Street. The politicians are gutless and chances are Columbus will be removed.
    But let’s say we get a John Gotti, Vito Carleone, Joe Bonanno, type into the act. A few made guys and wannabes from Arthur Avenue in the Bronx to Bensonhurst in Brooklyn, to handle this matter. Hell, I heard a guy on TV once saying that they could have taken out Osama Bin Laden, Hussain, and Castro if the were asked. Imagine one of these politicians waking up one morning with a horses head in his bed? Man, I’m such a romantic.

  5. Release the sealed FBI files on the Bureau’s surveillance of Martin Luther King. Then the truth about his communist advisers and funding from the Soviet Union can be used to justify removing his monuments and statues. Oh, that’s right, these are attributes these days.

  6. Thankfully for the Polish, what should have killed them, just made them stronger. Today, they are the most envied East European country for their stand against receiving filthy moslem refugees. For that alone, I salute Poland, its leaders and ALL the Polish people!!!

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