Time To Trust Bust Silicon Valley? – IOTW Report

Time To Trust Bust Silicon Valley?

It was a over 100 years ago that Theodore Roosevelt made his name as the “Trust Buster” for aggressively applying the 1890 Sherman Anti-Trust act against the railroads and Standard Oil.

Kurt Schlicther argues that we face an even more threatening challenge to our republic from Facebook and Google. Both blatantly demonstrated during 2016 their willingness to manipulate information in support of progressive candidates and causes their owners favor. They also engage in punishing non-believers within their own ranks and hold the information keys to destroy opponents without.

Should we wait for the market to correct these new behemoths that have thoroughly entwined themselves into the American information bloodstream or should our government act swiftly to curb the abuses and protect our political freedoms while they still remain?


5 Comments on Time To Trust Bust Silicon Valley?

  1. Bust’em! Censorship of conservative and Christian views is not Tolerance.
    Like Paul Joseph Watson says they are a CORRUPT monopoly with no competition and should be regulated as a public utility.

  2. It’s well past time. A lot of innovative ideas are being buried by Google, Yahoo, MicroSoft, Facebook and a few others. If they hear rumours of some people with a great new idea that could cut into their market share these companies will send out their reps to do whatever it takes to buy the company, the idea or the bodies and then bury the idea under copywrite or patent and never develop it. If anyone has a similar idea they’ll threaten them with court and a roomful of lawyers then buy them off. This won’t stop unless the government does something but I suspect with the money and power these people have that is going to be difficult.

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