‘Time to wipe Congress clean!’ MTG likens Dingell to ‘POS that clings too long’ in follow up to Capitol steps shouting match – IOTW Report

‘Time to wipe Congress clean!’ MTG likens Dingell to ‘POS that clings too long’ in follow up to Capitol steps shouting match

BPR: The spat between two House members who got into a yelling match on the steps outside of the U.S Capitol on Friday spilled over onto Twitter where a very unflattering portrayal of Democrat Rep. Debbie Dingell was posted by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene.

In a smoking hot response to the social media feud between the congresswomen, Taylor Greene struck the decisive blow against Dingell, whose family has had a stranglehold on a Michigan congressional seat since Dwight D. Eisenhower was in the White House.

Taylor Greene retweeted a breakdown of the Dem dynasty by her former chief of staff while adding that the congresswoman was literally a “piece of crap,” also showing a bit of Trumpian flair by crafting a nickname that will likely stick. more here

SNIP: I hope you’re emailing MTG and thanking her for this. lol

20 Comments on ‘Time to wipe Congress clean!’ MTG likens Dingell to ‘POS that clings too long’ in follow up to Capitol steps shouting match


    He hasn’t left his office shitter since his sphincter gave out at the Speaker’s podium.

  2. Think about that for a second. Really. The same family has had that seat in Congress for nearly 70 years! I say again, 70! What has that time in office produced? Nothing for their voters, except stealing every penny that they can from the lemmings that send them back to D.C. every 2 years. It truly shows that term limits are needed. Send a message to these parasites that they should try working a real job instead of being a thief for a living under the guise of “public servant”.

  3. “The defense bill was voted on in order to pass it to the senate to strip out the shit and leave it a military funded bill.”

    MJA’s correct. My curiosity was up with people like Cawthorn voting for it. It’s Chess at this point in time and I’ll give every last one of them a pass, except for Red Fag Dan Crenshaw. Something wrong with that guy.
    Patriots like MTG communicate on Instagram. It’s true. She’s a great follow on IG. My kinda woman.

  4. I agree, MTG has some good sound bites. But why does anyone vote against their true beliefs expecting someone else to come back and fix it for them? I like her, but my level of belief in her is around 75%.

  5. I started following MTG from the get on INTSAGRAM. Back when large black woman were hanging derogatory sign off their doors insulting her. MGT fired right back. Then she posts some cross fit training sessions on IG and the Black Mombajambas are requesting Capitol Police escorts. Then she posted footage of her shooting an AR and they shit. They haven’t SAID shit since. I love me some MTG.

  6. I agree, she’s good. But 75% is as good as anyone gets from me. And this particular defense vote is an indication of why. Who in the world accepts a bill with a provision in it that they are diametrically opposed to, with the expectation that some low life snake in the grass will come behind and fix it. Oh yeah, Mitch and Lindsey will be there to fix it. Hell, most people don’t even know what’s in the bill, they figure no one will pay attention to what happens with it.

  7. And the thing is, I want to like people like her. I want to have representatives that I would follow into battle. Where in the hell are they. Delivering sound bites for the next election and hoping some shithead that has already sold us out will come back and fix a vote that wasn’t convenient to vote against. 135 republicans in the house voted for that defense bill. The Senate can rubber stamp that and rightfully say it had bipartisan support.


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