Joel Stein is punching up. He’s trying, admittedly, to induce Trump into bashing him by endlessly insulting him. But Trump, tragically, is ignoring him.
It’s sort of the way homosexual boys, in high school, secretly dream of being manhandled by the straight bullies.
ht/ illustr8r
NO. I’m not going to read all that shit
This weeks punchable face!
Somebody should punch him just for the fun of it.
Good grief, man! They started it!
“In desperation, I prostrated myself before successful Trump aggravators, begging for tips…”
C’mon Joel. You wanted more than the tips, and you know it.
You can’t claim to be a victim and sympathy-monger if you’re not victimized.
Wait ! A Woman married this Guy ?
He Sounds Like He’s Twisting His Nipples, and Sweating Without Moving !
Another retard bouncing around and saying ME ME ME ME!
Maybe he’ll get hit by a bus.
hes the kind of guy that idolizes woody allen and his movies. ๐
He’ll probably end up falling into the next sinkhole (of time–no pun intended, though…?) while texting. That would really be a shame (/s/).
And no, I spent no time reading an article in Time, as I cancelled my subscription in 1967 for ‘political reasons’ !!!
What a weinie.
Reboot- The bus that hits him will have “TRUMP” written on the side of it.
Unfortunately, he believes what he reads in Time and now he wants to have his pussy grabbed.