Timeline Destroys Pelosi Hysterics Over Capitol Building Breach – IOTW Report

Timeline Destroys Pelosi Hysterics Over Capitol Building Breach

National Pulse

Ex-Capitol Police Chief Says Pelosi, McConnell’s Sergeants-At-Arms Refused Security Measures.

The Washington Post has reported that the outgoing Capitol Police Chief, Steve Sund, believes his efforts to secure the premises were undermined by a lack of concern from House and Senate security officials who answer directly to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate leader Mitch McConnell. The National Pulse can also report the Washington Post’s timeline proves it was impossible for Trump speech attendees to have made it to the Capitol in time for the breach.

In addition to the fact that Trump openly called for the “cheering on” of Congressman, and “peaceful” protests, the timeline as established from numerous, establishment media reports simply doesn’t stack up.

The admission that House and Senate security leaders failed to provide Capitol Police with resources on the day will raise questions over their role in the day’s events. More

23 Comments on Timeline Destroys Pelosi Hysterics Over Capitol Building Breach

  1. Facts and truth have little effect on people’s attitudes and behavior, but what people think and believe are facts and truth does.

    The Left is smart enough to now this and use it to their advantage.

  2. It probably won’t be too much longer before that unhinged hag will need to be darted with a tranquilizer gun and hauled off.
    She’ll spend the remainder of her days trussed up in a straight jacket and secluded in a small soundproof cell.

  3. I just took a quick stroll through Daily Kos, a severely retarded left-wing “news” site. Now I have to bathe in bleach.

    The truth matters zero to these fools. All of them, all their headlines are screaming “sedition”, “Expulsion,” and “impeachment.” These mind-controlled zombies actually believe what Pelosi and her terrible ilk are feeding them.

    It has to be driving Pelosi INSANE that her efforts to rid the US of President Trump are failing horribly.

    May their fall be fast and permanent. No country should accept lying liars like the DNC propaganda machine.

  4. @Crackerbaby

    Its especially difficult if you use the approach we all fall into, where we want to own or destroy our opposite number, frequently in a vicious and knee jerk fashion

    Its actually a delicate matter, which means you should only try it on the people in the wishy washy middle. And then use non threatening openings. “Can I tell you why I think differently?” And then say your piece while establishing your bona fides — eg, Ive been following politics for forty years and what is happening now is many quantum leaps beyond anything Ive ever seen before

    I’ve a got a large immediate family that runs the entire gamut of politics. Some have been hard core leftists for forty, fifty years. Nothing will change their mind; so I’ll engage just to learn their latest dirty trick. Various nephews are amenable to persuasion, so I work on them

  5. She declared herself to be a ‘master legislator” and Trump called her out and basically proved her to be a stupid imbecile…That’s what’s behind all of this buffoonery….Yet she gets away with it….

  6. Wednesday was their final Hail-Mary setup. Trump never incited the crowd…but “control the narrative, control everything.”

    Pelosi et al are scared to death what the President may do to them in the next week.

  7. They were understaffed because Dems and RINOs set this bullshit up. DUH!

    I’m tellin’ ya. The Trinity is gonna smash these demons to Hell before too long. I know it. You know it. Everybody knows it. Boy. Sure would hate to see a soldier or two stationed outside the Capitol right now “accidentally” launch a Hellfire missile on Pelosi’s and McConnell’s offices today…

  8. Rush has an interesting theory that this may be their opening to negotiating with Trump. Pardon for himself and family perhaps in exchange for not running again or maybe no Trump runs again. If Trump agreed to something like that it would probably also break his supporters. Too many people are still believing in the plan but the reality is he is out of moves and that is why he is quiet and if he accepted some agreement that would be a final straw for some that felt they put so much into this and have taken their own risks.

  9. This will never see the light of day in the propaganda news or on the Commie tech tyrant sites.

    Until and if people wake up after their rights start disappearing and shopping means limited products the sheeple won’t care.

    We do have to remember that during the American Revolution the patriots fighting for freedom were a minority of citizens.

  10. Charlottesville was also a setup. Jason Kessler was a leftist “farmer” planting tiki torches. Biden feasted off that false flag hoax from beginning to end, and tens of millions of voters believe the “Fine People” lie to this day. The main reason Trump rallies could never be false-flagged is because they were positive affirmations by happy warriors. The best the left could do there is beat people up afterward or get large rallies banned by covid. But they know how to exploit an angry demonstration, and they just did. So don’t get angry, provoke them instead. As Sarah Hoyt says, “Dance to the line”:

    “Right now people live in the spaces between Leftist rules. Those of us who work side by side, undercover among the Left, know well that they themselves cannot live up to their own rules. That’s the point of all the rules– is to allow arbitrary enforcement on anyone by making virtually everyone a criminal. See the quote about the impossibility of governing honest men…But there is a way to turn that tendency against them. Dance on the edge of the line…BECAUSE the rules are about the feelings and desire for control of the rulemakers, they’re not grounded in any physical fact. For that reason they can and will be adapted when the feelings of the rulemakers change. The surest way to get rules expanded is to walk right up to the limits of the line and taunt them from there. For example: let’s say you live in a place where gatherings above a certain size are banned. Well, then you know the exact number of people to have over every night you possibly can…”


    We have to face the facts that we are being bullied by a small minority of people who have all of the power now, that they hate and fear us and that they plan to make their control permanent. We cannot lash out in reaction to them. We must make them overreach and stumble in order to beat them. We cannot let them define us.

  11. The left appears to be populated by witless fucks who are using a hornet’s nest as a piñata. Well, keep swinging you morons and things will get really lively really soon.

  12. Who benefits? The “riot” gave congress an excuse to skip debating election fraud. There was enough congress people objecting to the fraud to cause what would have been the ONLY PUBLIC HEARING about the fraud – it would have been the ONLY way many people would have heard about the totality of the evidence, and a great embarrassment to the (D)irtbags of either party who favor election fraud.

  13. The liberals loathe Trump, but they hate the conservative movement he created even more. All that has happened since Nov 3, and especially this past week, can be taken as a warning against other conservatives who are considering taking up the torch of freedom.

    I want to see the person who will do that. Male or female, I don’t care, but no queers or trannies. They’ll escort you to the devil.

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