Timeline of Portland Riots At Hatfield Federal Courthouse and DHS’s Response – IOTW Report

Timeline of Portland Riots At Hatfield Federal Courthouse and DHS’s Response

Dan Bongino:

Over the last two months, the city of Portland, Oregon has seen violent riots almost nightly, and federal law enforcement has been protecting federal property throughout that time.

Below is a timeline from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), highlighting what federal officers have seen over the last four days, as America’s attention turned to the Portland rioters’ nightly siege of the Hatfield Federal Courthouse. For clarity, the information is broken down by nights spanning into the next calendar day.

Bottom line: As they have for the past 50+ days, on the evening of Monday, July 20th violent anarchists targeted the Hatfield Federal Courthouse and federal law enforcement officers in Portland. more

6 Comments on Timeline of Portland Riots At Hatfield Federal Courthouse and DHS’s Response

  1. It was said earlier and in fact several times that these rioters should be dealt with like they did back in the 60’s. Those short barrel shotguns in most police vehicles are called riot guns for a reason.

  2. Oh, to be a sniper there, using 22 shorts or 22 “quiets”, fired into the mob below knee level.
    And “jellied” napalm thrown into the thick of the mob.
    I wish the Feds would stop playing defensive and go on offense.
    Can you say “Kent State”? I knew you could, boys and girls.


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