Times Have Changed – If This Was During Height of Social Media the Old Man Would Be Prosecuted – IOTW Report

Times Have Changed – If This Was During Height of Social Media the Old Man Would Be Prosecuted

Social Media has changed the way prosecutors and elected officials think and act. They are afraid of low IQ dickwads with a collective voice, which creates the illusion they are in political peril.


Long Beach resident Tom Greer, 80, told KNBC-TV that the burglar had said she was pregnant and asked Greer not to fire, but he shot her twice in the back anyway.

An autopsy later found that Andrea Miller, 28, was not pregnant, said coroner’s spokesman Ed Winter.

‘Long Beach police are still investigating,’ said Sarah Ardalani, spokeswoman for the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office. ‘It’s ongoing, and so we’re waiting at this point.’

McDonnell said the homeowner came home around 9 p.m. Tuesday and surprised Adams and Miller, who were trying to break into a safe. They assaulted him, breaking his collarbone, before he was able to get a handgun, the chief said.


No charges will be filed against an 80-year-old California homeowner who fatally shot a female burglar as she begged for her life, prosecutors have said. Tom Greer chased the robbers from his Long Beach property and caught up with Andrea Miller, 28, in an alleyway before shooting her twice on 22 July last year. -Jan 27, 2015

19 Comments on Times Have Changed – If This Was During Height of Social Media the Old Man Would Be Prosecuted

  1. To be honest, I don’t think his defense would fly even in Texas. Deadly force is allowed to stop a threat. In Texas it may even be allowed if the criminals took something and it is still in their possession as they run away. However, if they run away. don’t have anything, and are not posing a threat, the 80 year old may face charges in even the reddest of Red Texas.

    …but Onginer might be on to something.

  2. 80 years old a life sentence doesn’t mean much. That said if you have a self defense shooting there are 3 rules

    1 Don’t get dead ( the Bongino rule)

    2 When the cops show up immediately invoke you 5th amendment rights shut up and demand a lawyer.

    3 Never EVER talk to the media.

  3. He got 12 years in greyrock hotel, his mom (getaway driver!?) got 3 years.

    Alo, the LA Times had this: “Greer, who was robbed on two other occasions, “held a reasonable fear of imminent peril of death or great bodily injury,” wrote Los Angeles County Deputy Dist. Atty. Janet Moore, explaining the office’s decision not to charge him.”



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