Tina Forte’s New Ad Against AOC – IOTW Report

Tina Forte’s New Ad Against AOC

BLP: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez now has a strong America First challenger in Tina Forte. Forte is running as a Republican in New York’s 14th congressional district.

According to her website, Forte is a small business owner who supports the police and condemns politicians like New York Congresswoman AOC and former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio who attack law enforcement.

A major part of Forte’s campaign is her focus on increasing funding for law enforcement and implementing better oversight to fire bad cops and reward good cops.

On top of that, she supports measures to lower healthcare costs and improve healthcare accessibility for all individuals. Her campaign is also focused on fully funding Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), while also pushing for measures that strengthen a border wall.

School choice is also on Forte’s agenda, as she wants to promote charter schools and vouchers as a way to foster more competition in the education sector.

In correspondence with BLP, Forte stated, “AOC is a communist sympathizer. She’s the darling of the Democratic Socialists of America – a Marxist organization that glorified Cuba’s Castro regime and Venezuela’s Maduro regime.” read more

6 Comments on Tina Forte’s New Ad Against AOC

  1. I wish Forte the best of luck, but AOC has risen to her level of incompetence, and by the time she retires, her tits will be lowered to her waistband. I bet Jerry Nadler didn’t always have a sleeping bag zipper on his pants.

  2. Seein as it’s NY, can I vote for her a coupla thousand times?
    Even though I live in Missouri?

    They allow illegal-alien rat-people to vote, so why not legal rat-people?

    I demand a bushel of ballots!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I remember when I considered Nancy Pelosi as crazy as AOC and look at her now. Still crazy but my how the Democrats love her! They love anyone who will tell them what they want to hear. Democrat politicians are socialist, communist who want to play Robin Hood with tax money, get rich doing it and keep strife going to stay in business. I would love to see AOC and all the squad voted out but they have a great many ignorant followers. Good luck!

  4. I like Tina, and I hope she sends that AOC sucker packing. But the headline of the linked article is why I have problems with some of the sites.
    “AOC Challenger Tina Forte’s New Ad Has AOC and her Squad Pals Shaking in Their Boots”
    Who are you trying to impress with that headline? Your readers are mostly conservative, and they already hate/dislike/despise AOC. Instead of such clickbait headlines, just report.
    That said, I hope AOC is back to bartending in 6 months.
    She was not even good in bartending, and some idiots thought voting for her was a good idea.
    Enough is enough. Vote her out.


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