Tina is Back and Saltier Than Ever – IOTW Report

Tina is Back and Saltier Than Ever

Warning EXTREME Bad Language-

ht/ JS

20 Comments on Tina is Back and Saltier Than Ever

  1. How long has she been missing? Or is it I who has been missing? Either way, I still like her style of truth, nice and firey. The kind of fire all good progressives will enjoy at their ends.

  2. I was just thinking about her the other day, wondering if she still posts videos. I can just imagine her venting at Christmas dinner, after knocking back a Long Island Iced Tea or two…that would be a riot.

  3. Conservative Cowgirl Thursday, 21 December 2023, 10:31 at 10:31 am

    She speaks the salty and peppery truth and leftists must loathe her for that.

    Talk is all it is–talk. They got away with the big cheat and they’ll get away with it again. They have Trump where they want him….liberals and conservatives alike.

  4. Jethro Thursday, 21 December 2023, 10:31 at 10:31 am

    She’s SO right.
    I recently had this thought:
    The evil bastards would rather rule over ruin than participate in prosperity.
    *BINGO* So much truth in so few words. Thank you.


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