Tiny 17-Week-Old Unborn Baby is the Youngest Egyptian Mummy Researchers Have Ever Found – IOTW Report

Tiny 17-Week-Old Unborn Baby is the Youngest Egyptian Mummy Researchers Have Ever Found

LifeNews: Archaeologists made an amazing discovery recently when they found the mummy of a tiny, 16- to 18-week gestation baby taken from a tomb in Egypt.

The finding is a fascinating piece of evidence that Egyptians valued unborn babies thousands of years before ultrasounds or scientific discoveries about the beginning of life.

CBS News reports researchers at the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge, England spent a century thinking that the tiny coffin contained mummified internal organs. However, a recent CT scan revealed that inside was the tiny body of a baby, likely miscarried between 16 and 18 weeks gestation, according to the report. more

1 Comment on Tiny 17-Week-Old Unborn Baby is the Youngest Egyptian Mummy Researchers Have Ever Found

  1. Someday maybe we will advance to the point where we also realize that babies are living human beings and that murdering them is as, or more, evil than murdering an adult.

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