Tipping Declared “Racist” – IOTW Report

Tipping Declared “Racist”

Washington Examiner

Nikole Hannah-Jones’s frequent accusations of racism have finally reached the “tipping” point.

The “1619 Project” author and former New York Times writer who believes America was built on racism started a Twitter controversy with the claim that the practice of tipping waiters, waitresses, bartenders, or apparently anyone else whose livelihood depends on an extra 15-20% for good service is racist. More

26 Comments on Tipping Declared “Racist”

  1. …next time you eat out, tell your Black wait staff, “I don’t want to insult you with a tip, so instead I will validate your humanity and honor your rich heritage by telling you how wonderful your race is and always has been”.

    Do it BEFORE you order.

    I DARE you.

  2. I bet she’s a real joy to serve meals to; especially for a white server.

    If she wants to do away with tipping and increase the minimum wage, she won’t have to think about it anymore. I would guess all but the most expensive restaurants, who serve the elite, might not be able stay open. I’ll wager ignorant bitch has never run her own business, other than stirring up racial division; if you can call that a business. More like a grift.

  3. My first job with a paycheck was as a dishwasher as a teenager.
    I recall one time a waitress received a one penny tip.
    She got so mad she went outside and threw it at him while reading him the riot act.
    She missed him and chipped his windshield.
    She ended up losing money.

  4. D.Tim
    1978 Howard Johnsons, Kissimmee,
    Florida. I tapped on the passenger window and when he (one of three college boys) rolled it down I threw their coins back at em and said you must need this more than me. I felt better.
    On a lighter note… a fellow waiter heard his already rude customer say his steak was bad. The waiter took a fork and snatched up that steak and swatted it a couple of times saying “bad steak, BAD steak!”
    Sometimes we loose our cool…

  5. Another dishwasher here. I washed dishes BY HAND in a Formosan restaurant, so no COVID ever had a chance against ME.

    My waitresses couldn’t have done nothing with what the Taiwanese paid (Thrifty…its not JUST for Scotsman) so they and their kid(s) would have starved if it was just straight wages, and the place had thin margins so the house couldn’t have made up for it. Competition was fierce, and wasn’t no one gonna pay $5.00 for an eggroll in 1982.

    It used to be a thing for a customer to indicate extreme unhappiness with the service with a “circle of seven). This was where someone took the trouble of, in place of a tip, arranging seven pennies with one in the center and six surrounding it. (I’m told this somehow symbolizes the murder of Julius Caesar, but I’m not sure what that has to do with crappy waitressing). It was pretty insulting because you had to actually put THOUGHT into severely undertipping.

    …Anyway, the time or two I saw that, the gals got REAL upset, but it was usually the service was bad because they were seriously busy so they didn’t fid out in time to catch the offendor, but one almost got run down in the strip mall parking lot for trying…

    …I’ve seen it the other way too. Because I spent years with my girls in that restaurant, and because both my sisters did that for a first and second job, I tend to overtip. I did so once at a Pizza Hut back when they had dine-in but we didn’t want to do the buffet, so this young Black kid brought us our pie and fries and things. He worked pretty hard for my young family so I left him a 20 on som3thing like a 40 dollar bill and left.

    As we were walking to the car, there was a banging on the window of the restaurant where we had been eating. We looked, and the kid was just BEAMING, he pressed the Jackson up against the window with one hand and thumbed up with the other, obviously very pleased with his tip, guessing that wasn’t usual there at all.

    It was nice to see someone grateful like that, not sure why some idiot would want to take it away because, racism.

    …I also don’t get the tip BEING rayyciss.

    All MY waitresses were White girls, who didn’t seem be be insulted by tips at ALL (except maybe for 7 pennies).

    Because the TAIWANESE, like most Chinese, WERE racist. They didn’t like hiring Black people at all and didn’t want Taiwanese to be servers, the family did the cooking and clerical work and left the grunt labor to the hahinguies (My very approximate transliteration of their word for “honkey”, one of the two words I learned, the other being “mehingui” for Black people).

    So its weird to say tipping White people is OK, but tipping Black people is somehow rayciss.

    It seems like sonething only a racist would say.

  6. Years ago, there was a site that went by name Bitter Waitress. It had people in the restaurant and bar business posting stores of lousy tippers, drunks, celebrities that felt they were royalty and deserved the best, diners who shit on the staff, etc.

    One black woman who worked at a restaurant said she was wondering why the wait staff would hesitate to help out large parties of black people, where as they would jump at the chance to help large parties of whites. One finally told her it was due to the nature of blacks and their habit of poor tipping, which offended the black woman.

    So, she started reading the receipts. Weeks went by and she saw the wait staff was right. She claimed blacks barely tipped or didn’t at all. There were a few that did around 20%, but far and few between. She said she was so disappointed, but as time went on she came to accept it.

  7. I am guessing she has never had to work for tips in her life. Don’t get me wrong, if someone gives me crap service, they won’t get a good tip (other than to treat the customers better). I don’t care what pigeonhole you put yourself in, treat me well, and I will tip well.
    But what do you expect from some who tweeted in February that it is racist to consider Europe a continent?

  8. RogerF
    MARCH 23, 2022 AT 9:02 PM
    “I am guessing she has never had to work for tips in her life. ”

    …well, you can be sure she never DANCED for them.


    THAT bedheaded dusky Paski could droop a petrified Sequoia with her rather beefy, eh, “charms”…


    …so the question of our age is how did they get us to take literal clowns as people to be obeyed, put in the h t t p for the x’s and you’ll see what I mean…

  9. I am generally very uncomfortable talking about racial issues or differences. However, seeing that everything is Racist, including tipping now, I’ll just put it out there. Let’s “have the conversation”…I mean, if I’m a racist simply for existing, then here it is:

    I had a side job delivering pizzas for my friend’s Domninos franchise. Did it on and off for about 5 years. Mostly good territory and made nice extra cash. I’ll just break it down like this: 99% of Whites will tip, 99% of Blacks will not. It’s simply a fact that anyone in food service knows. Deliveries to “certain” areas…and you knew you were getting stiffed.

    Other common things that “they” do:
    – Yell “Who is it!?” when you knock on the door.
    – Leave you standing on the porch, waiting, and waiting, and waiting, even in
    the pouring rain, while they get their money together. Like they weren’t
    expecting you. This is would absolutely infuriate me. I can
    accept that you didn’t tip, it’s a free country and people are free to tip
    or not, but you WASTED MY TIME!
    – Hand you a pile of coins and tell you how much to give them back, then get
    pissed at you when you count it before walking away so you can make sure
    they gave you enough to cover the bill.
    – Hand you a pile of coins for their payment and ask for bills back for the
    extra, like you’re their personal banker, then “you can keep the .28 cents.”

    There ya have it. Being punctual and on-time is “racist” and “white,” and so is math, and so is planning for the future, and so is obeying the law, and so is personal responsibility, and so is working for a living and paying your bills on time, and so is common courtesy, and now tipping.

  10. Leftists have been trying for years to end jobs that depend on tipping.
    Tipped employees generally make way more than many others.
    The marxists want everyone paid the same.
    They tried it in ME a few years back and failed.
    Any sort of independence is attacked and this is part of it.
    Most tipped employees claim that tips bring them to min wage on tax filings. Lefties want total control over wages and tipped employees are outside the box.

    Phony baloney commies can pound sand.

  11. So what if it was built “On racism”?
    Compare with the African continent, and see that at least it has been built.
    Mud huts haven’t changed for millennia.

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