Tipping Point, The Beginning of the End, and The Walls Are Closing In on President Trump- It’s OVER! – IOTW Report

Tipping Point, The Beginning of the End, and The Walls Are Closing In on President Trump- It’s OVER!


24 Comments on Tipping Point, The Beginning of the End, and The Walls Are Closing In on President Trump- It’s OVER!

  1. Lazlo is reminded of herd animals. All doing what the others are doing.
    Rave on, witless drones.
    A real man is having your guts for garters.
    He is breaking the Democrat party

  2. And Pelosi is gething more likeable, sandy cortex is getting smarter and rashida tlaib is no longer a bigoted swine and Michelle obama keeps getting more qualified to run our natuon.

    Leftist dreamland. What a horrorshow.

  3. These assholes never used the phrase: “This is the straw that broke the Donald’s back.” Imagine that going around the networks?
    The straw that broke the camel’s back CNN; The straw that broke the camel’s back NBC: The straw that broke Trumps back ABC: The Camel that broke the straw, Areva Martin CNN. LMFAO! MAGA
    These phucking people should be put in stocks and laughed at, ridiculed,spat at, and have rotten eggs thrown at them.
    Areva Martin. Was he a tall man? Moe ton, yerra n0t atall man, he was a small man, and black too.

  4. Needs to be updated. It doesn’t include the last 30 bombshells that definitely marked the tipping point of the beginning of the end. Oops sorry just heard another bombshell explode. Wait that was just Rachell Madcow’s head.

  5. If any of these twats are in the business thirty years from now, their joyous cries will ring from the rooftops on how Trump-like this candidate is, or how Trumpian that comment was, and how so-and-so is embodying the Art of the Deal like ‘The Old Master’ himself.

  6. Is the fucking MSM creative enough to come up with something other than Bombshell?

    An Atom Bomb hit Trump today!
    Believe me, this is his Last Gasp.
    Dead Man Walking.
    Lemming about to go over the cliff.
    He’s expiring before our eyes! I’ve never seen anything like this!
    We should call him Custer.
    He’s got only a few weeks before impeachment, maybe just days.
    Give him his last rites.
    Next week, he’ll be on the street.
    He’ll shoot himself, just like his friend Hitler.
    He’s over and out.
    They’re going to take him away, mark my words.
    Strike Three, and Trump is out.
    The End.
    He’s done and done, my friends.
    He’s an overcooked potato…toss him.

  7. If those liberal commie FUX even had a clue how many patriots are locked and loaded ready for shit to get real….It wouldn’t have an effect on them, they are programed to read whats on the teleprompter and NOT THINK! When shit does get real they may be some of the first to go just because they’re mouth piece!

  8. Confirmation bias is the term used for this in scientific research or psychology. AGW for another example.

    **Confirmation bias** occurs from the direct influence of desire on beliefs. When people would like a certain idea/concept to be true, they end up believing it to be true.

    They are motivated by wishful thinking. This error leads the individual to stop gathering information when the evidence gathered so far confirms the views (prejudices) one would like to be true.


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