Tipping the scales of justice – 900 pound guy going to court – IOTW Report

Tipping the scales of justice – 900 pound guy going to court


A man who weighs more than 900 pounds is set to be brought to federal court in Richmond on Monday, after the approval of a plan involving the FBI, the U.S. Marshals Service, the Richmond Ambulance Authority, the Henrico County Division of Fire, and state and local emergency personnel.

Kenneth T. Hicks, 48, of Emporia, who is charged in a cocaine conspiracy case, is scheduled to plead guilty before U.S. Magistrate Judge David J. Novak and could be taken into custody immediately. On Tuesday, Novak approved an unusual transportation plan for Hicks sought by the government and his lawyer in an effort to protect his health, safety and dignity.

The arrangements could involve cutting through a wall where he lives, bracing the structure and even cutting down some trees.

This procedure may require the bracing of the floor, and the removal of parts of the ceiling structure as well,” continued the request approved by the judge. “All steps will be taken to minimize damage and protect the defendant’s property.”

The papers add that Hicks has been told that if he pleads guilty Monday, he will be taken into custody and transported to a secure medical facility.


ht/ cynic

55 Comments on Tipping the scales of justice – 900 pound guy going to court

  1. A. 900 pound cocaine fiend? That fat fuk ain’t doin’ it right.

    B. Why move this human turd at all. He’s NINE HUNDRED POUNDS. You think he’s a flight risk?

    Only if the air force loans out a Hercules.

    Cheaper to roll in a tv on a cart and let nature takes its rapidly approaching course.

  2. Medical facility incarceration for him, and I bet he wants that. Taxpayers will then pay for excess skin removal after the excess weight is gone. Taxpayers will also payfor special diet and probably some organ surgeries. Wow, interesting way to get freebie medicine.

  3. Listen. I don’t mean to be an A-hole towards people who are on the heavy side, but 900 pounds? That is quite the feat. But still, I often wonder how a person gets so big. I mean, didn’t he say to himself at one point, “Holy Cripes! I just passed 700 pounds. I should slow down a bit.” But I guess extreme obesity is healthier than extreme anorexia, so he’s got that going for him.

  4. He used to have a dog and 2 cats that liked to hang out on the couch…..They haven’t been seen in years….

    He hasn’t seen a penis since the 3rd grade….and it was the kid next to him at the urinal….

    3 KFC and 2 Dominoes franchisees have retired their future relatives past 22019….

    Wetnaps doesn’t give a fuck about any new Chinese tariffs…

    Brawny “The bigger Picker Upper” moved to Iceland and now cleanses arctic Terns…..

  5. Yeah. 900 pounds is a whopper. How does a human heart deal with that? His lungs under 300 pounds of pig shit?

    What does this slob eat for a snack? I bet, seriously, it’s more than I eat in a week.

  6. @PJ
    MAY 13, 2019 AT 11:38 PM:

    Why take him to jail? Issue a summons. When he fails to appear issue a default judgment. Convict him to 20 years house arrest. He ain’t going anywhere. Might be a problem finding an ankle bracelet size 42.

  7. I can’t imagine how much this guy would cost the taxpayers if they put him into prison. The food and medical alone would bankrupt the county. 900 lbs? He ain’t got long to live. Prison would be maybe a faster death. withhold food and give him minimal medical and he’ll be good to go.

  8. What are these idiots thinking? Arraign him from home with CCTV. It’s been done with other people not able to move. Cripes! I don’t know who’s stupider….the court or the fat ass.

  9. I dunno man, if you get too fat to ride a minibike with your identically fat twin brother, you should probably start chewing your pork chops before swallowing.

  10. Save a whole lot of time and money. Send him a couple of dozen pizza’s a day and let nature run its course. I wonder if undertakers can refuse service???

  11. He’s gotta be innocent. There’s no way anyone involved with cocaine weighs 900 lbs. Hell, in my brief stint on coco-nut island, I went from 174 to 133.

  12. Bman MAY 13, 2019 AT 11:49 PM

    700? I’m thinking maybe when you pass three or four it might be a wake up call.

    Not an expert and did not stay at a Holiday Inn last night, but would be my understanding that at this point they might not be or need to be eating THAT much. ZERO movement (unless someone else is putting the lotion on it) so almost all goes to more fat. Total sedentary!

    You have to admit the “suggestions from our viewers out there in TV land” are keeping Mr.Big well supplied.

  13. One of my guilty pleasures is “My 600 Pound Life” on the tee vee. I’m really intrigued as to how someone gets to that size. Here’s a person who cannot work and earn a living, eating about 8,000 – 10,000 calories a day. If a loaded Big Mac is about 550 cals (I checked), that’s a lot of Big Macs. And they cost anywhere from $3-$5 each. That’s a lot of money — every, single, day — for someone who doesn’t work or earn a paycheck. Like most of these stories about people living off the gov’t, I wonder, “How do they do it?” How do they justify their situation in order to get the checks rolling in? It’s a mystery to me.

    And, from watching that tee vee show, I think PJ has the most correct answer: the guy needs life-saving hospitalization, expensive, round-the-clock nursing and, down the road he’ll need hideously expensive bariatric surgery, then physical and mental therapy, then skin reduction surgeries and so on and so on, and he ran out of gov’t assistance. I’m sorry the fellow has ruined his own life this way and I’m thankful I’m not in his situation. Can’t even imagine being constrained to a bed where my only pleasure in life is eating enough calories every day to maintain 900 pounds.

  14. Vietvet — That’s exactly how the guy planned it to play out. These people are masters at getting others to do what they want. How else are they able to survive? I’ve seen too many of those “600 Pound Life” shows! They are all master manipulators; crying, whining, screaming, threatening, complaining ad nauseum. Plus, there have multiple health issues that make moving them very dangerous at those weights. And I’m certain everyone involved with “Operation Dumbo” knew all about how this would turn out. It was just a scheme to circumvent Social Services (who wouldn’t pay for his hospitalization).

  15. When this guy finally kicks the bucket cremating him is out of the question. I remember reading about a crematorium that attempted a 600 pounder and it burned the building down. That’s pretty gross, I hope no one was about to eat.

  16. @Uncle Al: “Unspecified issues” could mean that for the sake of delicacy they were reluctant to specify exactly what was issuing forth from him. Now you come along and clear things up for us. Thanks a lot.

    (Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go get some brain bleach for the mental image that produced.)



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