Tired of Hearing About Climate Change? Get Ready For “Current Change” Hysteria – IOTW Report

Tired of Hearing About Climate Change? Get Ready For “Current Change” Hysteria

USA Today

Now this could be something to really worry about.

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) – a large system of ocean currents that carry warm water from the tropics into the North Atlantic – could collapse by the middle of the century, or possibly any time from 2025 onward, because of human-caused climate change, a study published Tuesday suggests.

Such a collapse could trigger rapid weather and climate changes in the U.S., Europe and elsewhere. If it were to happen, it could bring about an ice age in Europe and sea-level rise in cities such as Boston and New York, as well as more potent storms and hurricanes along the East Coast. More

28 Comments on Tired of Hearing About Climate Change? Get Ready For “Current Change” Hysteria

  1. Look for “climate change” to be replaced by “climate crisis/climate emergency” because we dullards in flyover country just aren’t alarmed enough to give a fuck.

  2. Bulloney.
    I was at the beach today and the water was quite normal for this time of year.
    Atlantic Ocean that is.
    I agree w/ Conservtive Cowgirl.
    Of course this lying crapola is all about ushering in tyranny.
    As are the attempted regulations of appliances.
    We shall be allowed to choose from one of two stoves, water heaters, cars, lawn mowers, washing machines, etc that will be made available by the govt overlords.
    I’d like to know how they plan on getting into my house to see what I’m using now.
    FJB & his puppetmasters

  3. If this whole cadre of climate change religion fanatics weren’t such obvious Marxist totalitarian virtue signaling frauds (Michael Mann lawsuits re the hockey stick bullshit story) I might listen to them with half an ear.

    Climate bullshit started in the mid 1970s with global cooling. We’re all gonna die in a new ice age! Man caused global cooling, the only way to save ourselves is give up all industrial production and hand ALL decisions regarding the economy and society to government.

    Next phase, global warming, same cause same cure, but much much more real and deadly!!!!! Deadly!!!! Better funded and more widespread throughout, with more adherents and useful idiots.

    Now, climate change… same cause, same cure, plus mandatory population reduction via promotion of queerness of all stripes, Mrna injections, drugs, war, more poisoning of the people.

    We are in the hands of an incredibly evil cabal of LUNATICS who benefit from every new squall of terror over the newest new HORRIFYING thing.

  4. This Book, …The Coming global Superstorm … Was Published by Art Bell & Whitley Schrieber (sp?) in 1999 and told this exact fear-mongering process, sort of surprized it has taken this long to be re-hashed

  5. Hmmm. How can an ‘ice age’, which pulls water out of the ocean, cause ocean water to rise?

    I s’pose, fear mongering is just for the main population of morons. Not necessary for it to make any sense whatsoever.

  6. An ice age in Europe AND rising sea level in New York and Boston? If it’s cold enough in Europe for an ice age wouldn’t be kind of cold over here as well? Or would the current change just let the warm South Atlantic water heat up the Northeast of the US?

  7. I wonder if the asshat who posts incessant, nonsensical drivel as “Anonymous” has even the slightest fucking clue that he’s the forum equivalent of a muttering lunatic on the street corner, ignored by all who pass by?

  8. Red Ryder: I know you’re out there, Lunatic fringe, we can hear you coming, no you’re not going to win this time, oh no, woah-uh-uh, Just don’t look in the mirror.

  9. In the early 70s when as a tuned in,turned on, dropout….I spent a lot of days at the library. Omni magazine was hyping a coming new ice age. Then in the 80s it was the ozone hole, followed by global warming in the 90s….yada yada.
    It’s all bovine scatology and graft.

  10. Global Cooling, Global Warming, Climate Change, Climate Pause, Current Change, bla, bla, bla, bla…
    The dirty little secret is that it doesn’t matter what you call it so long as they can squeeze money out of it blame MAGA Republicans at the same time!

  11. 23rds of the way down the article states

    What do others say?
    Experts not involved in this study offer mixed reviews of its conclusions. Michael Mann, of the University of Pennsylvania, said, “I’m not sure the authors bring much to the table other than a fancy statistical method. History is littered with flawed predictions based on fancy statistical methods; sometimes they’re too fancy for their own good.”

    Bad models are actually worse than garbage in garbage out usual routine for academia.

  12. Erik the ne’er do well unmasked scumbag

    “Fuck you climate liars. You will pay for your crimes.”
    That is some crazy BS, Patriots are so fat and Lazy nothing will be done.
    Go back to the basement and dream up some new crap, cause the old crap is worn-out…

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