Titanic II Will Sail in 2022 – IOTW Report

Titanic II Will Sail in 2022

A giant plastic iceberg popping up in the water one night would be my contribution as the cruise’s director of entertainment. It’d be a hoot.


The makers of the Titanic II aren’t boasting about it being “unsinkable”—but they do promise it will have much better iceberg-detection technology than the original, along with plenty of lifeboats. Blue Star Line Cruises says the replica ship, which was delayed for years by a financial dispute, will make its maiden voyage in 2022, USA Today reports. The company says the ship’s maiden voyage will be from Dubai to Southampton, followed by a journey across the Atlantic, retracing the route its doomed predecessor followed in 1912.

The replica, which will cost an estimated $500 million to build and is being made in China instead of Belfast, is going to have 2,400 passengers and 900 crew, almost exactly the same number as the original, and a very similar cabin layout.


14 Comments on Titanic II Will Sail in 2022

  1. 2022…just in time for the National Review Conservative Cruise during Trump’s second midterm. Better get hopping, Kaptain Kristol. Those deck chairs aren’t going to rearrange themselves.

  2. More great fun on board Titanic II.

    Fill the swimming pool halfway with ice, for passengers to practice. Haw Haw.

    Serve a cocktail named the “Capt. Smith”.

    Hire Ice T as a passenger greeter: “Get yo’ ice on board, baby”.

    First Port of call: Iceland.

    Call the lower decks “Steerage”.

    Halfway across the Atlantic, announce that “The wireless is broken”.

    Find Lord Astor’s current relatives and let them cruise for free.

    Train stewards to ask male passengers: Sir, are you going down?

    On April 14th, all men must dress as women.


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