An absolutely stunning moment from a member of Congress this morning.
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) July 28, 2019
Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib: Israel “exists” to the “detriment” of Palestinians.
15 Comments on Tlaib – Israel exists to the detriment of Palestinians
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The “Palestinians” aren’t a specific and natural people, they’re just generic Arabs who have inhabited the land there instead of demanding they be given Jordan (where they should probably belong). They have no rightful historical claim to the land of Israel and especially not to Jerusalem.
Israel -the Jews (Judah and the remnant Benjamites) along with the other 10 tribes descended from Jacob- are both a natural people that are genetically identifiable from others in the region and a specific nation that was established in their land thousands of years ago and have a rightful claim to it.
Tlaib probably knows this but hates it, so she propagates that “Palestinian” myth to use in stirring up hatred for Israel and the Jews.
This is all in the prophecies, written several thousand years ago, and rapidly coming to fulfillment today as we watch.
I’m not worried, I’ve read the back of the book and I know who wins.
Mossad, they’re calling your number. Do us proud.
“Israel exists to the detriment of a particularly virulent strain of followers of a murderous pedophile who would exterminate ALL Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists, basically ANYONE who isn’t a moon god worshiper”.
…you may notice that our Muslim contingent seems more worried about their rotten ancestral quarrels overseas than they have ANY interests in the health and well-being of the United States and the citizens therein.
This is because they are in no way Americans, they are Ummah, the community of ALL followers of the pedophile (piss be upon him), and that transcends ANY nationality.
Their ONLY loyalty is to the Koran. Their ONLY interests is the advance of Islam.
Anything else they say is taqiyya, or lying to advance…you guessed it…Islam.
As Mohammad commands.
…it USED to be that folks had to take an oath to be in Congress, specifically THIS one…
“I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”
…you will notice how much, how very, very much, of this Oath that a Muslim HAS to violate, or they can’t be a Muslim.
Basically, ALL of it.
At least two of the three most FAMOUS Muslims in office, Barry “Barack Obama” Soetoro and Ilhan “Omar” Nur Said Elmi, used fake names to take the “Oath” anyway, so the whole THING begin in a lie. They have NO respect for infidel nations, and because Mohammad TELLS them that lying to infidels is OK, they feel no NEED to be truthful about ANYTHING, not even who they ARE, ESPECIALLY not to kufr.
it’s the Muslim way.
…Don’t be surprised when a Muslim acts like a Muslim. It’s what they DO, what they have ALWAYS done, and what they will ALWAYS do. Islam is COMPLETELY incompatible with our Constitutional Republic, so we can expect nothing but damage and destruction if we keep pretending it is otherwise and keep allowing these supranational theocrats to American offices.
Duhlip [aka Minnesota Moose[ can display her ignorance on a wide variety of topics, this is really 1 of Thousands. She has very little understandiing of the Founding Documents, or laws, which is why she does not live in her district.
How is this not anti-Semitic?
(Um, strictly speaking, Tlaib herself is… gasp! Semitic)
Palistinians are like that out-of-work brother-in-law of yours that shows up at dinnertime, camps out on your couch and runs up your phone bills.
” Israel “exists” to the “detriment” of Palestinians.” WRONG. Palestine exists to the detriment of Israelis. Just like Dim voters, they exist only as sock puppets for their felonious politicians.
Talab exists to make good decent normal women of any color look incredibly beautiful and smart.
What happens to the Pallys in the future?
How about getting nuked into Biblical oblivion:
Zechariah 14:12
“And this shall be the plague wherewith the Lord
will smite all the people that have fought against
Jerusalem. Their flesh shall consume away while
they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall
consume away in their holes, and their tongues
shall consume away in their mouth.”
With some luck that evil witch will be there.
The History of Jihad: From Muhammad to ISIS
Robert Spencer
Hey, Tlaib,
Buy a vowel, will ya!
By the way, how much was it to have your hair done Yeasty Tlaib?
This unfortunate makes Sandra Bernhardt feel pretty,,,
She gives no shits about Palestinians any more than the Arab world can use them as proxies and an excuse to promote terror..
How the hell did this enemy agent get into our government?
You’d think after Obama, we’d start doing some proper scrutinizing of these subversive entities.