Tlaib rallies with Democratic colleagues in call for impeachment of President Trump – IOTW Report

Tlaib rallies with Democratic colleagues in call for impeachment of President Trump

wxyz Detroit-

Tlaib is yet again calling for the impeachment of the president. However, she’s doing so at a time when other party leaders are saying they’ll wait for the results of the Mueller investigation.

“This month I’ll be joining folks and advocates across the country,” Tlaib said at the rally.

Facing a crowd of supporters, Tlaib isn’t holding back, as she’s done in the past. The elected leader from southwest Detroit, is pledging to stand with some of her colleagues in calling out President Trump. Tlaib says Trump still personally benefits from operating his business empire while he runs the country from the oval office.

“This is beyond the Mueller investigation,” Tlaib said in a phone interview. “First and foremost, every single president before him, every single one has divested in their private businesses because it directly conflicts with their role as president of the United States.”

Outside the office of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, there are more calls for action against Trump. However, Pelosi isn’t talking impeachment.

“If we’re going to try to pass Medicare for all, and then you have the insurance industry turning around and spending money at the Trump D.C. Hotel,” Tlaib said.


20 Comments on Tlaib rallies with Democratic colleagues in call for impeachment of President Trump

  1. Even Rand Paul is working hand in glove with the Communists in their government coup. We don’t have any resistance against this coup in Congress, because they are all in on it.

    “All of the communist takeovers involve the ouster of the rightful leader. They are doing this with Trump now, and attempting to install a communist government. It is not something that will happen, it IS HAPPENING and WILL NOT GO AWAY.”


  2. Take a spin around the usual Conservative news or blog sites right now. Shit’s out of control. The communists need to be shut down. Trump needs to release the Transcripts. It feels like this is spiraling out of control.

  3. What this bitch seems to forget is that for most Democrat Presidents their business was the government both while in office and after cashing in on the chits owed him for favors done while in office.

  4. Looking back, Detroit was the home capitol building the transit ability for the US, brought us the greatest r&b legends ever!
    The shit fell apart in the ’70s, Detroit died.
    Since than in the 80’s brought Michael Moore with his obese deluded self hating promoting BS.
    90’s brought us Enema (the short-bus 8-mile muse).
    20 years later, nothing but falafel franchises and these bints?
    WAKE UP!

  5. No Blushes – Detroit was good until the 68′ riots. The whites ( not trying to come across in a racist tone) fled for the suburbs, the rioters stay behind and elected the great? Coleman Young. All downhill from there. Want some good entertainment, google Bill Bonds/Coleman Young fued. Let me tell you, we need more Bill Bonds in journalism.

  6. Those three are making themselves the biggest targets on the left. None of them are real Americans, IMO.

    They are doing very dumb things. If they were boxers, we could say they are leading with their chins.


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