Tlaib Tries Making Impeachment 2.0 All About Her – IOTW Report

Tlaib Tries Making Impeachment 2.0 All About Her

Daily Wire

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) claimed Tuesday that the Senate would have convicted President Donald Trump during his impeachment and removed him from office if he were a person of color like her.

Speaking to Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman, Tlaib claimed that not just Trump should be held accountable, but also anyone in Congress who “enabled him.” More

7 Comments on Tlaib Tries Making Impeachment 2.0 All About Her

  1. Obama should have been impeached but wasn’t because he identifies as 100 percent black and that would have been racist.
    Scum like Tlieb and Omar don’t deserve to even live in this country that they hate so much.


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