Tlaib: Use Only Blacks As Detroit’s Facial Recognition Analysts – IOTW Report

Tlaib: Use Only Blacks As Detroit’s Facial Recognition Analysts

The Detroit News – U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib told Detroit police Chief James Craig he should employ only black people on the department’s facial recognition team because “non-African Americans think African-Americans all look the same.”

The Detroit Democrat made the statement during a tour of the Real Time Crime center, where monitors display live footage from video cameras on traffic lights and in and around businesses.

Finish reading here.

h/t Different Tim

29 Comments on Tlaib: Use Only Blacks As Detroit’s Facial Recognition Analysts

  1. I have had more conversations with black conservatives in the last two years than ever before in my life. Zero with black liberals. I think they would say regarding this story:

    “Oh, brother! Get a life!”

    (And I’m running into black conservatives everywhere I go. It’s not a fluke.)

  2. There is also an article in the Detroit News of a prominent muslim activist with ties to many Dem Presidential candidates, in fact he was on the GM picket line with Bernie just the other day, arrested for sexual assault against a mentally disabled person in Hamtramck. Pretty sick story.

  3. ok, I’ll admit Aunt Jemima reminds me of Mammy in ‘Gone With The Wind’ & Pork (‘don’t get so uppity, even if you is the last chicken in Atlanta’) reminds me of Uncle Ben … but not Morgan Freeman

    but …….. ‘if I had a son, he’d look just like Trayvon’
    isn’t that the same thing?

  4. LOL! What an unstable leftist stooge. Since Detroit is 80% “people of one color”, guess who will be committing the most crimes? Inadvertently, the idiot’s proposal will help incarcerate criminal constituents she considers victims of white oppression.
    Therefore, African Americans Facial Analysts will be assisting the so called white oppressors.
    On the flip side, the effect of that stupid proposal could mean a small number of convictions and jihadi/leftist judges handing out sentences that are a slap on the wrist. Crime will be rampant.
    In other words, business as usual.

  5. Okay, so I have to tell an anecdotal story, just happened the other day, about how people are SUPPOSE to think…in detail:

    I was at work, walking to my car parked in the bank parking lot after going to the deli, and as I was walking to the car, I noticed three people ahead of me, all in their 70’s lets say. A black guy and a white couple, uh huh…no joke here.

    I overheard, as I approached, “Sir, you might have a great car, but you do not have a great president. You are black and you should know that”. This was said by the asshole white guy to the black guy, as HE was walking away, as he was walking away with his arrogant wife. (I missed the first part of the encounter).

    So, I could NOT let that go, and said ” hey that’s not right, judge a person because of his skin color??”

    “Well that’s my opinion”. I was told.

    I told them that’s a pretty screwed up way of thinking.

    Then the wife tells me that “I’m Jewish and POTUS is a disgrace”. OR some bullshit along that last word.

    I quickly reminded her of the POTUS family and her reaction was a bit MEH. “Aaaah”. As if to say they, the Trumps, are fake Jews or something??

    I got in my USED Ford Escape (I love it) to get AWAY from the TDS and exited the parking lot and went around the corner and noticed these two ‘white’ people walking along. I opened open my windows and YELLED…..RAAAACISTS.

    DAM I felt good.

    I see this POS in town so I am wondering if I could trigger him easily when I see him. Call him out for the RACIST CLOSETED MOTHERFUCKER THAT HE IS.

    And dam I feel good now. I only told that to my family so far…



  6. @DifferentTim ~ that’s why the Nazis loooooooved the Muzzies … their outlook on the mentally infirmed were/are along the same lines

    come to think of it … so is ‘Medicare for All’ … & Planned Parenthood Aborted Childhood

  7. I was in this toad’s district today. F*ck Detroit. I just don’t get that place. If I’m going to live in a big city I’d rather it be Toledo, Cleveland, or the excellent Columbus.

  8. “Non African Americans think African Americans look alike”. Uh….Tlaib isn’t African. American…is she admitting that SHE thinks African Americans look the same? She is the racist here and she needs to quit trying to excuse her racism by accusing other people of being racists.

    If she spread her loins and you gazed
    upon her puunannay nana your eyes would
    catch on fire,you would go catatonic and contort
    into the fetal position FOR LIFE!


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