To Be a Democrat Today, You Have to Believe … – IOTW Report

To Be a Democrat Today, You Have to Believe …

‘There’s no use trying,’ she said: ‘one can’t believe impossible things.’

‘I daresay you haven’t had much practice,’ said the Queen. ‘When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.’

— Through The Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll

Mike Huckabee – As I watch the nightly news from urban liberal war zones like Portland or force my eyeballs to stay open through the Democrats’ virtual convention, I keep thinking, “We’re through the looking glass, people!” And that’s not just an expression. I mean that, like Carroll’s mad Red Queen, in order to be a Democrat in 2020, you are required to believe an unlimited number of impossible things. The Party’s embrace of “Alice In Wonderland” level madness inspired me to start making a list of these impossible things. To be a Democrat today, you have to believe …

  1. That a pre-born human baby is not a human being deserving of protection from killing, and neither is a baby that was born 10 minutes ago if the mother decides she doesn’t want to keep it.
  2. That capitalism, which has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty and despair worldwide, is evil; but socialism, which has caused the oppression, impoverishment, starvation and death of hundreds of millions of people over the past century, is the only hope of the future.
  3. That the best solution for rioting, looting, arson and violence in the streets is to defund the police.
  4. That all the gains in the economy under Trump were really caused by Obama, but the worldwide economic crash following China’s unleashing of a pandemic was caused by Trump.
  5. That Trump has a plan to rig the next election that involves making the Obama Administration remove thousands of mailboxes several years ago. Also, that the Post Office is removing little-used mailboxes in Oregon because the key to Trump’s reelection is for him to win Oregon.
  6. And on that subject, that nobody ever complained about the US Post Office being slow, inefficient and unreliable until Trump was elected.
  7. That America is an oppressive, racist, white supremacist nation that’s the root of all evil in the world and its culture is inferior to that of other nations, including the many nations where people are willing to risk their lives just for the chance to come to America.
  8. That Trump built “cages for children” on the border during the Obama Administration.
  9. That viruses spread like wildfire at church services, but not at crowded protest rallies for left wing causes. Also, viruses spread at bars that serve chips, but not at bars that serve sandwiches. Because “science!”

Read the rest here.

17 Comments on To Be a Democrat Today, You Have to Believe …

  1. Jimmy, one of the guys we hung out with when we were young and dumb would blow through a stop sign and then look at us and say “ stop signs are for people who don’t know how to drive”. If he’s alive still I’m sure he’s a lib.

  2. joe6pak – no kidding! But just to show you how naive I was as a young adult, I was well into my late twenties before I realized that the State of Washington only required you decelerate to 2 mph at stop signs! As teenagers, we called ’em “California stops” because that was the way all Californians drove that moved up here and ruined Seattle. (I defer to Abigail on California ruination because her knowledge of Seattle history is superior.)

  3. …that until Donald Trump ran for President, and only THEN, did he become a ‘racist white supremacist’…before that he was every libs best friend…Al Sharpton, Jesse Jerkson, OPRAHETIC Winfrey, yeah the Clintons and yes the Cuomos, etc.

    Such bullshit.

    He was actually measuring them all up. On the way up…

  4. these cretins are pure evil
    stop calling them stupid or dumb, etc.

    good people usually don’t shun stupid/dumb people
    these evil cretins have been given a pass because they’ve only been labeled stupid, dumb …
    they’re evil

  5. …that if a statue, of an ‘old white guy’ that helped save the country, is by default, a reason for defacing it or razing it.

    Like All of a sudden!! Poof DJT is the President and therefore I must…I must therefore I must…I must…therefore I must protest much…therfore I thus must protest there ra…much… protest…
    – Al ‘Sharpie’ Sharpton

  6. People flocking to the democrat party either have a childhood chip on their shoulder, want to fuck children, are criminals, losers or the likes of Michelle Obama or Maxine Waters – who are otherwise unemployable.

  7. We shouldn’t confuse “belief” with “political expediency.”
    I suspect that few of them (nihilists) believe any of the bullshit they shovel.
    They mean to destroy the Republic and know full-well that one of the tried-and-true methods of achieving that end is a combination of National Socialist, Inter-National Socialist, and Cloward-Piven strategies.

    We all know someone who is “shocked” at some antic – “gobsmacked” by some other – “outraged” at another abuse – “dumbfounded” by the seeming incompetence of some Mayors and Governors.

    We’re supposed to dissolve into jelly at the succession of Russia Hoax, Ukraine Hoax, Wuhan Flu Hoax, Systemic Racism Hoax, Riot and Looting Reality, the damping effects on the economy, and the general destruction and atomization of society.

    Their (the would-be totalitarians) plan is obvious.
    Our (American Patriots) response should be obvious, too.

    izlamo delenda est …


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