“To disarm us would forever convert us from citizens to subjects” -Kurt Schlichter – IOTW Report

“To disarm us would forever convert us from citizens to subjects” -Kurt Schlichter

Comment I made on Twitter (and this is why conservatives are banned.)

To every leftwing ahole that ever said on Twitter “lol, what is an armed citizenry going to do in the face of government tanks and airplanes?”

Hey aholes, you just admitted that you can imagine the government using tanks and airplanes on its own citizens.

Thus 2A.



Kurt Schlichter for Townhall-

everything the liberals say about guns is a lie. Every. Single. Thing.

It’s a lie when they scream that you can hit the Guns-2-Go drive-thru and buy yourself a fully semi-automatic assault machine gun with high-powered 5.56 mm rounds, because glorified 5.56 mm rounds are “high-powered” on their planet, faster and quicker than you can call an Uber.

It’s a lie when they say an armed citizenry would be powerless in the face of a leftist government equipped with tanks and artillery and bombers – though their assumption that a leftist government would use tanks and artillery and bombers on the American people seems like a pretty good reason for having an armed citizenry.

the other side’s goal is simple – they want us disarmed. But why? They know that Normal Americans are perfectly capable of safely owning all kinds of firearms. You slice the Democrat-run blue cities out of the statistics and America’s gun murder rate is comparable to Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood. They absolutely know that. But that’s not remotely the point.

What they cannot abide is us Normals being proud and free.

To disarm us would forever convert us from citizens to subjects. They get that our identity is wrapped up not in our guns themselves, but in the fact that armed we have the ability to control our destiny. If necessary, an armed citizenry can tell those who would trample our rights, “No” – and to back it up with force if necessary.

Liberals constantly sneer that we are “insecure about our masculinity” and “need guns to feel like men.” Leaving aside the millions of gun-owning women out there who don’t seem to fit within that stupid paradigm, and the irony of leftist doofs opining on manhood, liberals miss the point.


ht/ anymouse



21 Comments on “To disarm us would forever convert us from citizens to subjects” -Kurt Schlichter

  1. ” what is an armed citizenry going to do in the face of government tanks and airplanes?”

    The branch of the Government I worry about most doesn’t have tanks and airplanes. Just talk to the Bundy’s.

  2. I’ll ask the FBI, ATF and folks in Waco about the tanks and helicopters.
    Oh, never mind.
    It would never happen here.

    That’s why the Military “surplus” Humvees and armored personnel carriers were transferred to Homeland Security, FBI, ATF, FEMA, state, county and local law enforcement.

    I think I’ll just trust the government to do the right thing.

  3. It’s also important to note that Patriots with guns turned away a Tyrannical Armed group of BLM Rangers at the Bundy ranch in Nevada. It wouldn’t have happened without our guns.

  4. Last I checked, the US has been involved in 5 wars that ended in losses or stalemates with countries that had no air force, tanks, nor artillery to speak of; just determined people with AK-47s. The US left has successfully managed to gaslight a lot of pathetic morons into making a religion out of voluntary weakness. They believe in trading in the rights of free speech and armed self-defense to the right to obsess on genitalia and turn oneself into a worthless freak that the ruling classes secretly laugh at.

  5. Sadly I turned tail and turned in my FFL when Clinton and the Dyke Gorilla (Reno) were in power. Got my attention with some exercises on what might happen to ones family…

  6. I need to get a gun permit already, my uncle’s all have one, but I just get so nervous at the thought of owning a gun. Maybe that’ll go away if I take lessons. Either way, better to be armed than not with the way things are going.

  7. Well said TheMule. Idiot leftists think that the citizens of this country would just go out and face tanks and airplanes out in the open like a WW 2 battle. If a couple of thousand Islamic militants can bog down our Army in the slums of Iraq, what do they think would happen with millions of US citizens? Armed and just as capable of much more than the ragheads and their IEDs.

    Of course, the only way that happens is if a leftist Govt is in place and orders such an action against its citizens. Me thinks that many in the military and police would not side with the Govt in such an action. On another board when I mentioned this, some idiot said I was delusional on which side the military and police would take. Pointed to the police being ordered to stand down at Berkeley as his proof.

    Yeah being ordered by the mayor to ignore a bunch of kids burning their own college to the ground or choosing sides in a civil war, sure its the same cloth. (snarc)

  8. chuffed- I was 8 or 9 when my grandpa let me fire his pistol. If I remember correctly it was a Colt 45 revolver. Just like the cowboys used. I about fell down and he, my dad and uncle just laughed.
    If an 8 year old can do it so can you.

  9. chuffed

    Your nervousness will go away with some training. If you tell me what city you live, I can do some poking around. I know a lot of trainers and they network. If you decide to look for a trainer on your own, try and find someone with military back ground.

  10. Liberals are just plain stupid. Instead of try to pass more laws taking away our 2A right, they should be sucking up to those free gun owners for their own protection when SHTF.
    But they’re just plain stupid. And they’ll end up just plain dead.

  11. Rightwinger,
    While I am decidedly NOT prescient, I do not believe it will come to that…. instead by death by a thousand paper cuts, until the only arms in anyone’s possession are those that never had the NICS paperwork completed, then it is pretty simple to make out any person found with such a thing a screaming lunatic who must be put down like a rabid animal. We have seen it before and we will see it again. How many times have you observed some small news item about somebody being evicted (or some such) and during the process, deputies “DISCOVERED” “MULTIPLE ARMS AND HUNDREDS (OR THOUSANDS) OF ROUNDS OF AMMUNITION”?
    The person might just be some unlucky (or stupid) sap like me….
    If we do not act to stem the tide of government avarice and control, we are surely doomed….
    I only hope that the re-education camps in Southern AZ are warm and comfortable.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  12. @RightWinger March 29, 2018 at 5:47 pm

    > Me thinks that many in the military and police would not side with the Govt in such an action.

    Waco was televised (there’s an aphorism about that, somewhere). Everybody… every… single… body… that accepted a government check after those children burned has declared their loyalty. Everybody… every… single… body… that asked to join the crew after those children burned yearns to prove their loyalty. If they tell you differently, I’m sure The Party would never lie.

  13. Thanks @ Bad_Brad. I’ll keep that in mind. I would have no idea where to start so you’ll be the guy I go to when the time comes. I live in AZ btw.

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