To dream… – IOTW Report

To dream…

ht/ nm

27 Comments on To dream…

  1. At this point, I’ll be happy if he is simply exposed for what he is, and his legacy will be most corrupt POTUS ever, biggest con job in American history.

  2. I am amazed at how many leftists are claiming about the crimes Trump and his associates have committed. Funny how they say it is “whataboutism” when we point out that minor supposed infractions By Tramp and company are “whataboutism” when we point out the flagrantly felonies committed by Dems.

    Earlier today I lost my sense of better judgement and tried putting lipstick on a pig on Quora. You would think I would know better by now.

  3. So what is the idea based on that a former president ‘cannot’ be prosecuted? Based on…what? Traaadiiiition?!

    If someone could help with this it would be very appreciated.

    Why cannot this happen?? Rush said today ‘never gonna happen’. Really? Oh well…NOT.

    I am told history ‘will judge’…yeah okay.

  4. horatio, i think it is “sitting” president, not “former”

    but i think rush is right (though did not hear him), prosecuting obama would unfortunately be a non-starter, too many idiots love the guy, “racism”, blah blah blah, same old shit

  5. To :

    But I hate non starters, ‘to begin with’! Correct me :, but Obama is a former POTUS. No?

    It’s both. You supposedly cannot indite a sitting prez but please, someone, tell me that a former cannot be prosecuted?? Why? Only because we don’t want CW 2.0?

    And the thing is, Rush admitted as much, that they will go after DJT when he is a ‘former’!

    Quite disappointing, if you ask me, the lack of…revenge and or justice.


  6. Dang, who thought it possible. BHO was telling the truth, in a lawyerly way, when he said,”There’s not even a smidgen of corruption.”

    The corruption is being revealed to be huge and wide spread. So yeah, the corruption is not less than a smidgen.

  7. @BFH – left cloud ‘Saul Alinsky and Bill Ayers, speak to me’ the right cloud ‘Constitutional professor at Haaavad…I’m the expert’.

    OR left ‘Vote for me..I’ll give you what you want’…right ‘I’ll take your NSA rights away”. (worse than W!)


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