To Kill a #MeTooBird – IOTW Report

To Kill a #MeTooBird

Louder with Crowder restages the famous courtroom scene from that B&W Gregory Peck movie about a black man accused of rape in the Jim Crow era South.

10 Comments on To Kill a #MeTooBird

  1. So, Democrats, do you want to take away due process and presumption of innocence for EVERYONE, or just for people who disagree with you? No need to respond, I think I already know the answer.

  2. Senator Hirono should have had a cameo appearance in the video. The video authentically showed her preferred system of justice.

    She is listed with many firsts in Wikipedia. First female senator from Hawaii, first Asian-American, first Buddhist, etc. Heck, she’s even linked to Hank Johnson. A good clue of a low standard.

    Unfortunately while she is facing reelection to a second term next month she appears to be unopposed, and has high approval in Hawaii. However, even if she had low approval being D-Hawaii is practically a sure thing reelection. Maybe it’s long past time to grant Hawaii independence as so many native Hawaiians want.

    Or maybe at least we could send her packing back to her place of birth – Fukushima Prefecture, Japan.


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