To no one’s surprise, Obama-appointed judge puts halt to Hillary email court case – IOTW Report

To no one’s surprise, Obama-appointed judge puts halt to Hillary email court case

BPR: Yet again, the Teflon former presidential candidate is let off the hook of a justice system hellbent on retaining her “above the law” status.

This time, a federal judge in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia has dismissed a case that would have forced the U.S. archivist and the State Department to keep looking for Hillary Clinton’s private server emails from her term as secretary of state.

On Thursday, U.S. District Judge James Boasberg, appointed to the court by President Obama in 2010, dismissed the case which was brought by Cause of Action and Judicial Watch based on a Federal Records Act line that compels the archivist to work with the U.S. Attorney General’s office to recover any documents that were “unlawfully removed from that agency.”

While one might think that Clinton “unlawfully removed” documents since more than 30,000 emails were literally whitewashed from an email system she wasn’t supposed to be using in the first place, Judge Boasberg sees it differently.

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13 Comments on To no one’s surprise, Obama-appointed judge puts halt to Hillary email court case

  1. I love what Trump is doing but I really wish he’d do something to get a handle on this. He’s allowing too many problems to bubble up that could have been dealt with by personnel changes. Hope they get with it soon, this up coming could turn things over and he’ll be toothless for his remaining term in office.

  2. If Trump should finally care to appoint an Attorney General interested in cleaning out the Clinton corruption, NSA has all of these emails neatly tucked away. The emails were also stored on servers related to anyone who exchanged emails with Hillary. Elaine Duke, the newly appointed Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security could direct NSA to release those documents.

    At some point Trump needs to light a fire under these two Cabinet members and start cleaning out the deep rot that is Clinton Crime Family and Obama Cabal. The current Congress will continue slow walking Trump’s agenda and appointments. And it will take a very stirred up base to primary and remove any of the uni-party. It’s only my opinion, but I believe Trump’s base is increasingly disappointed no obvious actions are being taken.

  3. Andrew McCarthy said it well:
    – For most people, the federal government will aggressively pursue prosecution if they think you’re criminal.
    – The federal government is aggressively pursuing prosecutions of Republicans in some make-believe Russian collusion.
    – The federal government is very aggressively pursuing to NOT prosecute Hillary Clinton

  4. This is why it’s so important to fill Judicial vacancies as fast as possible with honest, conservative Judges. It’s also time that Sessions was fired for not doing his job. If the President wants to stop attacks appoint a AG that will go after the corruption in the Clinton family and the Obama administration as well as the whole Hollywood/Entertainement scandal. Give them something else to do with their time besides trying to bring down a President.

  5. “On Thursday, U.S. District Judge James Boasberg, appointed to the court by President Obama in 2010, dismissed the case …”

    This judge should either be dismissed immediately, or charged with obstruction of justice.
    Do we have law or do we merely have judges who rule us by decree? Fuck this clown.

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