To Placate Morons, Cops Release Hours of Sandra Bland Videos – IOTW Report

To Placate Morons, Cops Release Hours of Sandra Bland Videos


Authorities in Waller County, Texas, today took the unusual step of releasing hours of video of Sandra Bland in jail after her arrest. The reason was unusual as well—to debunk conspiracy theories that she was already dead when she arrived, reports USA Today. “We’re hoping that by providing this video, that will dispel a lot of these rumors and mistruths that have been perpetuated,” says county judge Trey Duhon.

The cache of video includes Bland arriving at the jail, answering questions, sleeping in her cell, making phone calls, and having her police photo taken, reports NBC Dallas-Fort Worth. “She was alive and well when her mugshot was taken,” says Duhon, per CNN. He suggests Bland looks out of sorts in the photo because she had been sleeping just before it was taken.

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8 Comments on To Placate Morons, Cops Release Hours of Sandra Bland Videos

  1. Don’t believe the “crime in this country is going down” narrative.
    Cops are sitting in parking lots rather than being proactive because City and County administration’s political correctness.

    No one has their backs.

  2. “Sure officer, I can put out my smoke. Can u tell me what I did wrong? Oh, ok. Sorry about that. DL, reg and insurance, here you go. Do you have to cite me? OK, I understand and I will try and be more aware in the future. Have a nice day.” maybe if she handled herself like an adult she would still be alive today.

  3. Nothing in this country will appease the Black Lives Matter narrative. Cincinnati is bracing for a release of grand jury findings today in the death of a black man by white Univ of Cincy cop.

    I’m bracing, too – just brought home 8 pounds of Winchester Autocomp, and the mailman’s bringing 1000 rounds of Hornady XTP split between 9mm & .38Spl.
    I’ve got all the brass & primers I need.

  4. AGAIN……

    Nope…..blame her family…..

    The scenario as I see it…….

    The cop was a “dick” and helped escalate a traffic misdemeanor into an arrest resulting in Ms Bland going to jail……

    Ms Bland went to jail and was fuzzy about suicide and previous attempts during the lockup phase……..

    Ms Bland repeatedly called family members including her sister (Sharon Cooper) to raise $500 bail money to get her out…….

    Three days later Ms Bland is found hanging from the jailhouse ceiling dead……

    So Ms Bland was not worth $500 for her sister (Sharon Cooper) while alive…….but by God…… her sister (Sharon Cooper) thinks Ms Bland’s death will be worth millions to Sharon Cooper….now.

    Evil……pure evil.

  5. It’s pretty fucking stupid to arrest anyone over a failure to signal a lane change – unless it caused a wreck or something.

    The stupid fucking cop should have used a bit of discretion, and left his personal problems at home, and NONE of this would be happening.

  6. If this woman had not been drugged out, belligerent and downright hateful to the officer who was initially cordial, she might just have gotten a warning. Otherwise, in her impaired state she may have gone on down the road and killed a completely innocent person.

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