To Placate the Desperate Dummicrats the DOJ Appoints Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump/Russia Collusion – IOTW Report

To Placate the Desperate Dummicrats the DOJ Appoints Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump/Russia Collusion

Rod Rosenstein has name former FBI director Robert Mueller to oversee the probe.

Will this put an end to the democrats ceaseless “Obstruction of Governance”?

Probably not.


“Based upon the unique circumstances, the public interest requires me to place this investigation under the authority of a person who exercises a degree of independence from the normal chain of command,” Rosenstein said in a statement. “A special counsel is necessary in order for the American people to have full confidence in the outcome. Our nation is grounded on the rule of law, and the Public must be assured that government officials administer the law fairly.”


ht/ WiscoDave

23 Comments on To Placate the Desperate Dummicrats the DOJ Appoints Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump/Russia Collusion

  1. Like pissing in the wind. What seems as common sense to the normals will not be heard above the shrill and non-sensical screamings of the 8th grade girls in the media and on capitol hill

  2. The pros:
    Given the vindictive behavior at the FBI, I don’t feel comfortable with them investigating this.
    Hillary & Podesta may very well be included in a special counsel’s investigation.

    The cons:
    I don’t like the fact that we keep caving to Democrats. They will keep pushing for more.
    It gives legitimacy to this kooky conspiracy.

  3. Waste of time and money to appoint a Special Counsel to shut the Dimmicrats up because they will just find something else to whine about. Not being Hillary Clinton is NOT grounds for impeachment you dolts.

  4. How about a special prosecutor for each of the following: Benghazi, Breach of National Security by Hillary Clinton, the pay to play Clinton Foundation, Obama selling weapons and financially supporting Islamic terrorists, Eric Holder and the ATF running guns to the Mexican cartel, IRS targeting not-for-profits based upon politics or even a wider investigation into the systematic corruption and waste in Government……just to name a few.

  5. Then…
    Fast and Furious
    IRS Targeting
    $6 Billion Missing at State Dept.
    Spying on Journalist
    Hillary’s Secret Server
    …and no Special Counsel

    Perhaps maybe we think that there may have been something about Russians and maybe Trump or rumors about the election

    This has ceased being an American government as designed by the Founders.

  6. From above: “…Our nation is grounded on the rule of law, and the Public must be assured that government officials administer the law fairly.”

    The “public”, unless they have their head well north of their anal sphincter, KNOWS that government officials do not administer the law nor the process of justice fairly.

    James Comey demonstrated this in the most blatant manner possible with his statements at a press conference as to how Hillary handled classified documents.

    Game, set, match. The twat should have been indicted and she wasn’t.

  7. Let’s get on with it. I can’t imagine any collusion between Mr. Trump and the Russians. I hope the investigation answers the most important question, in my opinion: Who unmasked Michael Flynn?
    That was a crime. Was it Susan Rice, John Brennan, Clapper, Comely or some other Obama mole?

  8. I am now operating under the assumption that the GOP is not only taking a knee on every play, but planning to take a fall in 2018 because they are not hung to exercise power

    Nothing against Pence, but Ann Coulter was right:

    “…our only hope is that the conventional wisdom about vice presidents being irrelevant is correct — at least for the six months of a Trump presidency before impeachment.”

  9. Remember, last year Mad Maxine Waters bragged that President Obama had a system that collected information on everybody. Nobody paid any attention. Let the chips fall where they may. But I do know that Schumer, Waters, Lewis and their ilk will not be satisfied unless some muck is thrown at President Trump. Yup, draining the swamp can be a bitch of a job. MAGA Donaldo!

  10. Democrats are whiney spoiled brats. Like some children. They need to be reared, not rewarded for their atrocious behavior by caving into their pointless, double standards. Eff them. The whole lot.

  11. I have a feeling this is part of trumps plan. imagine this special prosecutor stumbling onto some key information that ties Hitlery and her clan into some of the nasty shot we all know they were and are involved in. suddenly, the investigation expands or another special prosecutor is assigned for investigating the new info.
    I am not so worried about this.

  12. This will drag out for years, and the democrats will use this to block any SCOTUS and Federal judge appointments as well as the new FBI director. They will suggest something like a “Blue Ribbon” panel to make appointments. This was a very dumb idea.

  13. A new kind of President requires a new way of thinking in a way we often talk about but never expected to see in our lifetimes.

    The ability for the DoJ to do its job correctly, under the Constitution, is to allow it to do it’s job. Period.

    The reason we didn’t see (or ever expect) a special prosecutor to look into ANY of the corruption under obama was because he had politicized EVERY position in the Executive Branch. The FBI, for example, was supposed to be shielded by the POTUS against partisanship and that had been fairly successful (at least expected) until obama’s regime. He groomed the country to lower that expectation to the point no one really fought back against it. Now, along comes Trump, a man who truly believes the gov’t belongs to the People and he is going to prove that the DoJ/FBI can be trusted to carry out the Peoples’ business.

    If one pays close attention to how Trump is responding to the Left’s antics, it will soon be apparent what is transpiring. He is trying to set the ship of state back on its Constitutional course and that can’t happen if he simply picks up where everyone before him left off; if he uses the same, to borrow a phrase from the Intel community, processes and methods. Because if he did we would be no better off than if we had elected a Sanders or a Killery.

  14. one thing the d’rats forgot … a Special Prosecutor can go in any direction the evidence points … like ‘tell Vlad I’ll have more flexibility after the election’ … or a murder of a DNC staffer
    this was started by the same guy in the DOJ that wrote the memo, with attachments, that brought about the firing of Comey …. something is amiss
    … be careful what you wish for d’rats

  15. Have the Dems realized that the special prosecutor can follow the evidence to wherever it leads him?

    I will not be at all surprised if Podesta commits “suicide” – under highly suspicious circumstances, maybe in a park or whatever – some time this year. It might be a mass “suicide,” same park, same time, many Dems, total complete coincidence.

    If Podesta was smart, he would cut a deal now, to protect himself in exchange for testifying against Hillary/Obama/etc..

  16. If President Trump is clean on all of the crap that has been flung at him, as I think he is, this is going to be fun to watch.
    President Trump has 100 plus days in office, how many days do the people trying to bring charges against him have in office? I would bet most have something to hide, and want to save their own skin.
    Once something like this starts there is no way to tell where it will lead.
    Let’s let this go as far as it can, and really start to drain the swamp.
    People will put up or shut up or go to jail.
    Lets hope Muellar moves quickly, and is a honorable man.

  17. I’m hoping this is some genius Bannon trategic move that’s designed to become a Clinton/Obama/Holder/Lynch/Comey Investigatir.

    But my gut reaction is this is a very bad move. As Dianny said, it legitimizes and adds credibility to this insane Dem smear campaign.

    God protect our President.

    Of course if Kim nukes Hawaii or sets off a satellite EMP, or Iran sinks the USS Sitting Duck, POTUS Trump can, in the National Emergency, take all actions necessary to protect the America people.

    I hope the roundup arrest lists are already prepared.

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