To “Shut Trump Up” Elizabeth Warren is Asked to Take DNA Test – IOTW Report

To “Shut Trump Up” Elizabeth Warren is Asked to Take DNA Test

This is an important New England newspaper that has previously endorsed Pocahontas for pretty much all of her endeavors.

Berkshire Eagle-

Sen. Warren also comes with an Achilles’ heel, which, thanks to President Donald Trump and his penchant for using denigrating epithets when referring to his opponents, is as well known as the senator, herself. This is the ongoing claim of Native American heritage that she allegedly used to further her academic career, even though colleagues and the institutions where she worked claim that her being listed as a “woman of color” had no influence on her advancement. In her successful 2012 race for the Senate, her opponent, incumbent Scott Brown, questioned the veracity of her claim, and the doubt surrounding it — along with “Pocahontas,” the derogatory nickname now wielded by Mr. Trump — has stuck with her ever since. In Oklahoma, the state of Sen. Warren’s birth and rearing, claiming to have native blood running through one’s veins was and is common (the state’s territorial name was “The Indian Nations”).

Were she to test positive for Native American DNA, it would permanently resolve the issue — while possibly shutting down President Trump.

Should the test come up negative, it would be an opportunity for the senator to perform an act rarely seen among politicians: an admission of her error and a full-throated apology to Native American tribes and anyone else offended by her spurious claim. By facing the truth and taking responsibility for it, she would disarm her enemies and show potential voters that she was human and capable of mistakes, just like them. Handled properly, it could become a testimonial to her integrity and truthfulness at a time when that quality is in short supply among the nation’s leadership.


Oh, sure. This is a win/win for Pocahontas.

Do it. Do it.

Doooo it.

18 Comments on To “Shut Trump Up” Elizabeth Warren is Asked to Take DNA Test

  1. She ain’t that smart, she gonna hunker down like the coward she is.

    Probably already took one and the only genetic line is swine, as in she’s a goddamn lying sow.

  2. I strongly suspect that she has already had her DNA tested and knows she has no American Indian genetic material in her sorry carcass which is why she has refused to prove otherwise now.

    Plus, I wouldn’t trust the “labs” advertising these DNA tests as being accurate anyway. The test results from these “labs” are “best guesses” (when you read the fine print) and are often ridiculously wrong as noted in this article from Joe Farah who knows for a fact that he descends mainly from a long line of Arabs, yet his DNA test disagreed:

    Lieawatha would have to have her DNA results tested by an independent forensics lab and verified by cross checking with other independent labs without any contamination from government agencies (deep state democrats) for me to even come close to believing any results claiming that she had any American Indian blood in her.

  3. Mom did it and a cousin on dad’s side did it… we had a long tradition of Indian heritage in my family
    .. even had an ancestor in a half breed batallion in the civil war.. According to we got no Indian blood.. we’re irish, Scottish, and British

  4. High cheekbones, stories about full blood Cherokee great grandmothers, great times 6 grandmothers captured and raised by Indians, and dad’s profile being the same as the Indian on the Buffalo nickel. .. poof. ….

  5. “Should the test come up negative, it would be an opportunity for the senator to perform an act rarely seen among politicians: an admission of her error and a full-throated apology to Native American tribes and anyone else offended by her spurious claim. By facing the truth and taking responsibility for it.”

    Damn, I spewed my coffee on that paragraph. Should ANY left, progressive, demonCRAT ever let any semblance of an honest, heartfelt mea culpa, slip from IT’S mouth, I would know the world is ending.

  6. It couldn’t be a drug store/ test like “23 and Me”, etc. What a sham those things are. My nephew called me up all excited to tell me about his “heritage” (like his own aunt doesn’t know anything about the family).

    A good case could be made that Warren has a lot more wrong about her than her Rachel Dolezale identity issue. In fact it’s the least of her problems.

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