To The Left, Getting Vaccinated A Religious Rite Now – IOTW Report

To The Left, Getting Vaccinated A Religious Rite Now


It has taken me a few hours to diminish the anger that surfaced when I first saw these two pictures below.

As readers will note I have taken exception to the lack of strong leadership from the church during this COVID crisis.  During a time when fellowship is most needed, most urgently needed, many churches are collapsing under their own fear.  This is not a good outcome.

Suffice to say, there is absolutely nothing sensible about the position of this church as pictured; NOTHING. More

33 Comments on To The Left, Getting Vaccinated A Religious Rite Now

  1. Personally, I don’t think it’s a good idea Trump continues to tout the vaccines. Yeah, I get it…he deserves credit for warp speed roll out.

    I also don’t think it was wise of him to state he kept Fauci on “because he worked for the govt for 40 years, but he didn’t take his advice”. Said personally, he like Fauci!

    So putting Fauci the farce front and center as your PR guy was a wise move?

    Trump’s my guy, but I can’t understand why a notably savvy business man surrounded himself with so many backstabbers.

  2. I already left the church i previously attended when it became obvious they were a mouthpiece for the state. That particular church is one that looks down on other churches that teach healing is part of the atonement. But they are all in on being a mouthpiece for the gov’t on how to ‘keep you well’ with distancing, masks, etc.

    Why did i attend church there so long is the only question. Unfortunately, now i attend online another church in another state because it is almost impossible for most people in America to find a church locally that isn’t woke.

  3. Unless I missed something in those signs, don’t both sides (washed and unwashed) require masks and social distancing? Then what’s the difference, other than to divide thy neighbor?

  4. The “woke” church is a social terror to behold – owing allegiance to the ideals of man in the manipulated image of God.

    Unfortunately this image has been provided by Satan and his minions through generations of greed, envy, and deceptions taught by wolves in sheep’s clothing.

    Do not seek God through man but rather start with a “fair and accurate” translation of his word and seek others who have done so as as well.

  5. …look, you either trust God and believe he is all-powerful and will guide your life for what is best for you, or you don’t.

    If you DO, no mask or vaccine should matter. As a child of God, your Father will either heal you or take you up to be clothed in flesh incorruptable. The only threat the Chink Stink gives you is it threatens to send you to Heaven.

    If you DON’T, there’s absolutely no point in you going to a “church” to worship someone you CLEARLY don’t believe in. Why are you even THERE?

    …so live the Word, or go play golf on Sunday. Don’t waste time doing stupid crap like vaccine segregated seating in a place that is SUPPOSED to be devoted to divine healing.

    That’s just stupid.

    “15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

    16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

    17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

    18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”
    Mark 16:15-18

    …if your Pastor believes this WORD OF GOD, then segregated seating is stupid.

    If your Pastor does NOT believe this, maybe you need an ACTUAL Pastor, you know, one who BELIEVES in God.

    And if your Pastor is fearful of the “government mandates”, well…

    “28 Saying, Did not we straitly command you that ye should not teach in this name? and, behold, ye have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this man’s blood upon us.

    29 Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.”
    Acts 5:28-29

  6. “When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.”
    (dead white dude)

    Globaloney Warming
    Critical Race Nonsense
    Wuhan Flu
    National Socialism

    ALL exalted to religion. People (apparently) feel the need to “belong” to something greater than themselves. If they’ve been taught to NOT believe in God, then they glom onto any sort of foolishness which appeals to their particular mental aberration or infirmity.

    We screamed and ran around with our hands over our heads at the fear inspired by the Corona virus hoax, and now we can’t put it down without the realization that we were duped. And we never want to admit to ourselves that we were duped.

    Few of us can admit: “Gee … I was a f**king idiot!”

    So we cling bitterly to our superstitions and our false gods of government, medicine, and academia.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. As if the church isn’t losing enough members. And the Marxist Woke Dope Pope doesn’t help. The irony is that the church keeps trying to appease the Woke Supremacists who only want to feed them to the lions.

  8. One of my neighbors was giving me a rant in the driveway last week that it was our civic duty to get the vaccine. I didn’t tell him I’ve already been offered it twice and refused both times and will continue to do so. I live in NY, so I’ll probably end up starving on the street because I won’t be allowed to work or buy food without my satanic “passport.”

  9. A few years ago I attended Mass w/my devout MIL. The priest was pushing “climate justice”. I’m not Catholic and I certainly didn’t begrudge her her faith in THE Church (as she referred to the “one and only church”).
    When she passed away, we decided the “get out of purgatory” masses fund would be dispensed with.

    What’s the first/last vestige of hope people rely on?
    Trust in Jesus Christ+guidance from their faith leaders. It’s no coincidence some churches would be the final method of attack in destroying/replacing faith based instruction in exchange for the govt.

  10. Jason March 31, 2021 at 3:22 am

    Black people sit in the last three rows please.

    Talked to our mechanic who is black (female), and she flat out said that the virus and vaccine was generated to kill people of color. I pointed out to her that people of all color died – starting with the Chinese.

    Here’s what happened to one guy who took the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. These crap under a different Presidency wouldn’t be administered to anyone. Genocide is on their mind. Like a snake, do you want to shed dead skin?

  11. Billy Fuster March 31, 2021 at 9:36 am

    Spiritual discernment is non-existent in mainstream churches. Those that have it left years ago.

    That would be me and DH. Once you accept the gift of discernment and act on it, the rewards are good. Realizing you were brainwashed is a very uncomfortable feeling – like you’ve been had. Time and money was the loss – getting out of organized religion was the gift. We’re happy in our belief in God and Jesus as our Savior. It’s a free gift.

  12. …the fact that they still make “The Vaccinated” socially distance and mask suggests that not ONLY have they lost faith in GOD, but they have no faith in the VACCINE, either.

    That’s just sad.

    They have faith in NOTHING.

    …WHY are they there, then? It sure isn’t clear to ME…

  13. Viruses are not inert. They continue to evolve and mutate. That shot or remedy is but a snapshot of what the virus was at the time it was developed. Then they went into manufacturing the serum, then shipping it, then wait in line to get the shot, so x amount of time has passed, the virus has mutated at least a bunch of times. Come on folks… they can’t even predict what flu shot will be relevant for the upcoming flu season. You think they’re going to get this right?

  14. Just remember the CORRECT answer when you are before the tribunal.

    “Do you align with us, or do you align with Christ?”

    One answer brings you release.
    The other brings you pain, then glory.

    Choose wisely.


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