To those who ruined Greta Thunberg: How dare you – IOTW Report

To those who ruined Greta Thunberg: How dare you

Greta is only a means to an end.  And that makes her expendable.

Patriot Retort:

Hollywood, politicians, and the news media are all celebrating the psychological abuse heaped onto a Swedish autistic kid named Greta Thunberg.

In their desire to amass power by controlling every aspect of our lives, these heartless assholes have taken a thoroughly terrorized child and paraded her before us – daring us to disagree.

And in the process, they have completely ruined Greta Thunberg.

This child’s life has been destroyed.  And rather than show even a modicum of concern over how terrorized she is, the Left keeps pushing her and pushing her.

I’m sure Greta really does believe that in ten years we will experience mass extinction of the human race because there are countries in the world that are not socialist.

Greta Thunberg is so thoroughly programmed into the Climate Cult, the terror, anger and hopelessness she feels are very real to her.

This is child abuse.

SNIP: As for myself, after this article, I will post no more of Greta unless something major happens. Because she bores me now. Unless she’s on a ship trapped by ice, or is arrested for stealing a Smart Car, I don’t care. *Vegas Hands*

44 Comments on To those who ruined Greta Thunberg: How dare you

  1. I am wondering if there will be an uptick in suicide rates among young people who have nothing to live for since they believe we will all be dead in about 11 years or less.

    Don’t want that to happen, I just am imaging that these Leftists policies will kill people.

  2. “… ten years we will experience mass extinction of the human race…”

    That may well happen if the World doesn’t get a muzzle on IRAN.
    So don’t worry about climate change unless a few 10P.M. sunrises are what you are thinking will be the change in climate.

  3. I think she’s the product of a failed abortion attempt. This is what can to a child when a doctor tries to kill a baby with forceps and the baby lives. Permanent brain damage is a possible result. She’s the poster child.

  4. All we have to do to save the world is throw a billion muslims in an active volcano pit as a sacrificial offering for the religion of climate and it’s God. To speed up the process, the muslims will have a socialist under each arm.

    It might work so well that Shitcago will quickly be under a mile of glacial ice.

    The benefits would keep coming for decades.

  5. Poor girl never had a chance. Born with fetal alcohol syndrome, beaten into climate submission and blamed for her existence. She has aspergers, OCD and developed an eating disorder.

    Then they parade her around for their own profit, it’s sick and twisted.

    Why didn’t she sail her fiberglass boat (real green) to China and India to bitch at them?

    Because they would simply tell her to fcuk off!

  6. Horsefaced Veruca Saltlick.

    If this ends in something other than a suicide, I’m going to be disappointed.

    On the bright side, her parents are now Twitter pals with Alyssa Milano so totally worth it!

  7. follow the money sweetie, do your parents all of a sudden have money to burn
    the retard’s mom & dad stole her childhood then they sold it to the soros people for selling climate fear

  8. When children want to play adult and be taken seriously by adults, they can be expected to be treated like adults.
    That includes criticism, heckling and all other forms of expressing displeasure…..

  9. This whole “We’re all gonna die” crap has been going on since the 50’s.
    As we watched Mr. Green Jeans try and talk to that mute grandfather clock who only blinked in agreement, we were warned that someday the Japanese were going to retaliate against us for Hiroshima…and that what we did was totally unfair. (Were teachers hopelessly liberal back then, too?)
    Then, I remember having a big bike rack conference with other school kids in 5th grade…topic of the week, the Cuban Missile Crisis. Oh, we were such brave little kids, ready to die if we had to. Some kids were braver than the others, so it became somewhat of a competition about who was more ready to go than the other.

    And of course, the “giant hole in the ozone” later on, when we were going to run out of oxygen as it somehow “leaked out of the atmosphere.” (How’s that work, anyway?)
    Even later, the fact that we were all going to freeze to death because of the coming “Ice age.”
    This planet will be here LONG after humans have destroyed their own existence.
    My 16 yr old son, who declined to participate in the latest “March for Climate Change” has been advised by me never to follow the “group think” because there is someone behind it all with a hidden agenda and to always weigh the facts first and think for himself.
    He sits and listens but I keep him abreast of the threat of Socialism in general.
    I tell him he’s going to be alright.
    Loonies are everywhere.

  10. Meat puppet du jour.

    @ Proper Gander – (good name) – makes me think of Proper Etiquette…anyways, I do check out Nods and saw that one as well…the handler.

  11. The problem is that we will be hearing from the little shithead for the next 60 years.

    What do you think she will sound like when she is 25?

    I’ve had Trudeau & Obama on my TV blaming white men for everything for the last 11 years.

    Now I’ve got this Fucking Swede who’s parents are probably going to try and leverage their daughters “career” to get the fuck out of Swedistan and convert Amercastan or Canadastan To the next SHITHOLE!


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