To Trump or Not To Trump? – IOTW Report

To Trump or Not To Trump?

I admit, I am still fascinated/obsessed/perplexed/jawdropped by people who have claimed to be right-wing in the past and say they will be “okay” with a Hillary Clinton presidency.

Oh, some say they aren’t okay with it, but a Hillary presidency, you see, will be the fault of the nomination of Donald Trump, which prevents them, somehow, from stopping a Hillary presidency. (You try and figure it out.)

I think every vote is precious and important, that is why I keep pressing NeverTrump individuals-  perhaps some of them will come to their senses.

Cold Fury has a couple of links to some anti-NeverTrump rants.


We worry about what Citizen Trump did in the past in the private sector and fret more over what he might do as commander-in-chief. But these legitimate anxieties remain in the subjunctive mood; they are not facts in the indicative gleaned from Clinton’s longpublic record. As voters, we can only compare the respective Clinton and Trump published agendas on illegal immigration, taxes, regulation, defense spending, the Affordable Care Act, abortion, and other social issues to conclude that Trump’s platform is the far more conservative — and a rebuke of the last eight years. There is a reason the politicized media — from biased debate moderators to New York Times reporters who seek to pass muster in the Clinton team’s eyes before publishing their puff pieces — have gone haywire over Trump.- Victor David Hanson

I wonder sometimes just how many people are voting less for Trump and more for that rebuke of the last eight years Hanson mentions. I certainly lean that way myself; I think such a rebuke is the first small, halting step on the long road to reclaiming the country and maybe, just barely possibly restoring it to something the Founders might not hold in profound contempt. But either way, the reality is that we have only two choices here: it’s him, warts and all, or it’s…her. If it’s her for you, well, fine; that’s your good right. But call it such however much you may like, it ain’t no kind of conservatism I’m ever going to want any part of. – Cold Fury


Cold Fury links to this rant at DailyPundit.



15 Comments on To Trump or Not To Trump?

  1. I just can’t understand the naivete` of people who believe there exists a Republican who would be immune to the onslaught of the Dem/MSM Axis, and people who believe there will be a “next time” to triumph when the failures of Hillary become obvious. Even Jeb is privately thinking, “Thank God I lost. They can do anything to anyone, if they want to.” Yet Jeb will likely be running again in 2020, if Hillary wins and lives that long. And Erick Erickson will be explaining to us why Jeb is viable because it’s Bush’s turn again.

  2. I ran into a group of guys I haven’t seen in awhile last night. Aprox age 30 to 35. They hunt and shoot a lot. Rand Paul fans that claimed they were not voting. After a half hour of me explaining how fing stupid they were I think I changed their minds.

  3. From:

    Trump doesn’t matter, Outlander Systems – Trump’s support is a direct result of the seething, white-hot rage in the American spirit. He’s the final gasp of a dying body politic of red-blooded Americans, manifested in flesh. He is a political weapon thrust into the side of Leviathan, as a last-ditch Hail Mary effort to expunge the self-anointed “know-betters” before they take the whole house down in a blazing cacophony of nuclear fire-and-brimstone. Whether he wins the election, loses the election, has the votes rigged against him, or the Repugnant party disowns him; it’s irrelevant – we’ve got a lot of work to do, and the future of American sovereignty, not-beholden to back-room deals conjured up by Corruptocratican globalist parasites, literally depends on anyone who doesn’t want to see their grandkids living in a third-world hellhole, while perennial near-felons suck caviar and spit in the face of the Rule of Law. Whether he wins, and wins YUGELY, or is crushed miserably; it doesn’t matter.

    Keep up the fight. Vote Trump.

  4. 9:43: Clinton lectures the audience after her team mocked Catholics.

    Hillary Clinton at the #AlSmithDinner: “Let’s focus on what brings us together and rip on Ted Cruz”

    — Frank Thorp V (@frankthorp) October 21, 2016

  5. Fur, you wrote: “I admit, I am still fascinated/obsessed/perplexed/jawdropped by people who have claimed to be right-wing in the past and say they will be “okay” with a Hillary Clinton presidency.”

    It’s merely a matter of how “right-wing” is defined or, if you wanted to be really egghead and psychological about it, you could recognize that any ‘wing’ of the that Do-Do is still a part of the same bird.

    The “Right-Wing”, in political terms, is a subset of that corrupt system Trump has been saying — for some time now — we cannot expect to change from within their system; they are very ones who created the corrupt system.

    However, if you wanted — as you seem to have wanted for a long time — to imagine the Right-Wing, anti-Trumpers are simply not able to understand the impact of their crusade against Trump, I think this is where I am at a loss to explain it to you. Not because it’s too complex — that would be an insult. I think it takes having been completely outside the influence of a party’s indoctrination or, even better, having been within the entire spectrum of the partys’ influence. There can be pivotal times in everyone’s life, for example, when they have the ice water of truth thrown on them, where one is confronted by the reality of their circumstances, whether it’s something as common as realizing they really don’t love someone they married or that they actually do hide their addiction and it really does cause them problems, to something a little harder to recognize, like their system of beliefs exist only because they cannot fathom believing anything else. They don’t have the experience in that other realm of existence to give them even a hypothetical grasp of what it must be like to _________. (And this is starting to sound like post-modern relativism.) However, there is something to be said for simply suspending any judgement in order to let some new information in.

    As you can see, at some point analyzing the situation in order to understand it leaves one with glazed eyes and an irritating headache. Much better to limit our understanding to simply the fact that anti-Trump exists and leave it there. And, frankly, whether anti-Trump takes the form of so-called “conservatives” or flaming Killery supporters, the response should be the same: Don’t waste time trying to change intractable minds and spend all your time just crushing the opposition.

  6. I’m anti-Clinton, so that makes me pro-Trump. But that doesn’t make me any less dismayed at the ridiculously inept campaign that Trump has conducted. Hillary Clinton is the most disliked and vulnerable Democrat candidate in decades. Almost any competent Republican nominee could have beaten her. Almost any Republican would be better than Clinton. Clinton’s election will be a disaster for America. Romney was criticized for telling the truth about the percentage of voters that Obama could count on for his minimum base of support. Hillary started with the same base of guaranteed Democrat Plantation voters. After four more years of open borders and amnesty, how much closer to the tipping point of fifty-one percent do you think the country will be at with a Clinton appointed Judicial Branch? Trump’s election may still happen, but it’s going to be the biggest upset since Dewey beat Truman!

  7. It may happen in spite of the MSDM ignoring the truth about the Clintons. The missing yoga/wedding plan emails could make it happen. Perhaps the Russians are holding them back in order disgrace the Clintons at a more opportune time. Putin knows, not us. The country is so much different now than back then. Dewey would have prosecuted the Clintons and waved them off to a Federal Facility for what went on at the Clinton Global Initiative, aka Fundusclintons.

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