To Trump -“You’ll never be president by insulting your way to the presidency…” – IOTW Report

To Trump -“You’ll never be president by insulting your way to the presidency…”

Via Whatfinger – Trump’s most savage moments.

13 Comments on To Trump -“You’ll never be president by insulting your way to the presidency…”

  1. @ Abigail: Thanks very much for that suggestion! I hadn’t seen that speech. WOW!! Wickedly funny lines! It was nice seeing Hilary sitting there waiting to be strapped down to the injection gurney and trying to pretend to enjoy herself. I also enjoyed the barely suppressed rage and contempt of some of the others on the dais. BTW, who was the woman in the red dress and white gloves?

  2. Jeb ! was in Fla today giving Don many LEFT HANDED compliments!

    Jeb! is still pouting after 5 years!

    But Criminal alien rape is “an act of love”! the MSM loves ! because he slanders Don!


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