TobyMac – “Feel It” – IOTW Report

TobyMac – “Feel It”

Want something to watch other than the news? Well, here it is!

Can’t sit still listening to this. Reminds me of going out dancing with friends. I might have been the first one up dancing to this. Enjoy!

18 Comments on TobyMac – “Feel It”

  1. …thank you, Cato, we’re gonna need to pray the Lord to roll up his sleeves again for this one, we need to hold onto His promise that He will complete His healing because of the news we got today.

    We had been very thankful and hopeful because the surgery went well, the reconstruction went well, and the recovery went well, and the worst thing the hospital did THIS time was lose her inhaler.


    We were pretty optimistic because the sentinel lymph nodes that were removed during the surgery were clear as well.

    Then we got a phone call today.

    The surgeon called and said they looked at the removed tissue forensically, and of the 9 spots they suspected, all 9 were cancer, a bit more aggressive than they thought.

    One of them was quite close to the collarbone.

    Long story short, after a bit more healing, she’s looking at radiation and maybe chemo.

    I’m gonna carry her as well as I can, she can’t raise her arm or carry anything heavier than a book for 6 weeks, but my own legs have chosen this moment to pay me back for a lifetime of abuse. All the crawling around in attics and basements of partly destroyed homes and businesses, all the crumpled cars Ive snaked through and cars Ive crawled under to repair, all the electrical panels I’ve knelt before to work on a drive or relay that some sadistic electrical engineer just HAD to put on the bottom in the back for me to replace is catching up to me, and I can’t keep it out of my face or my moves any more, so keeping her concetrating on healing and from overdoing it against doctors orders isn’t as easy as it should be. Other stumbling blocks we have too, the kind that make it difficult to pray, but too much to unpack here and now.

    Still, we are blessed with physical help in family and friends, and spiritual help from our church and from the Lord. We are also grateful to the prayer warriors here who keep us covered in prayers.

    The road is dark and long from the valley that I’m looking at it from the bottom of right now, but I know there’s One who can lead us to the mountaintop without error, and it is to Him I look most of all for help.

    “1 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

    2 My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.”
    Psalm 121

    Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

    God Bless,

  2. I think the desire to dance to this song can best be described by the arresting officer….”You’re drunk lady, leave the clothes line alone”….

  3. I was told the purpose of the radiation is to excentuate and target the chemotherapy. I’m thinking she’s getting both for sure. In the big picture that’s actually a good thing. Prayers.

  4. Brad
    MARCH 6, 2022 AT 3:17 AM

    …you are most likely correct.

    I’ve seen cancer patients before, but only as an outsider.

    Guess I’m going to get an education.

    And I defer to your experience, you’ve had the master class, and you are a survivor still. I honor you for that.

    I thank you for your prayers and I still keep you in mine.

    God Bless,

  5. Love Toby Mac!!
    Thanks for posting.

    SNS, we will put you and your wife on the prayer cards at church today. On Tue night the prayer group will be praying for you and your wife as well as us.

  6. Aaron Burr
    MARCH 6, 2022 AT 2:22 AM
    “I’m so sorry SNS.”

    …I’ve never seen you so serious, AB.

    Somehow that scares me more than anything else.

    But you need not be sorry for her too much, other than the transitory pains and temporary disability of surgery and treatment, she’s strong in the Lord and will be healed completely here, or will go to be with Him and be healed completely there. Worst case, she will go straight to Heaven, leaving me in hell without her.

    But I’m praying she gets healed here. She doesn’t get out THAT easy. Script says guys go before gals, and Ima hold her to that.

    And Beachmom thank you too. God honors the prayers of the faithful, and will surely bless you and we both for uplifting her in prayer.

    God Bless,

  7. SNS

    I had some really good Docs. With really shitty communication skills. Like most Docs. If you guys have any questions ask Me Hat for my email address and I’ll pass on what I learned.

  8. SNS, I only just read this post. MY prayers are with you and your wife. I know she is a strong person and will get through this challenge. Be her rock!!!

    Claudia, thanks for the great dancing tunes!

    God Bless us all!


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