Today News Africa WH Correspondent, Simon Ateba Accuses Press Secretary KJP of Discrimination – IOTW Report

Today News Africa WH Correspondent, Simon Ateba Accuses Press Secretary KJP of Discrimination

Daily Caller

Today News Africa Chief White House Correspondent Simon Ateba told Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson Friday that White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre “should be ashamed” for her alleged discrimination against reporters.
Ateba has repeatedly been in conflict with Jean-Pierre during attempts to ask her a question at press briefings. The press secretary recently abruptly ended a briefing as Ateba confronted her on not answering his question about the upcoming African Summit, where President Joe Biden plans to meet with 50 African leaders. More

6 Comments on Today News Africa WH Correspondent, Simon Ateba Accuses Press Secretary KJP of Discrimination

  1. What, a lesbian black woman can be racist? Newsflash, I haven’t met a lesbian black woman who wasn’t racist and didn’t suffer from the “black with an attitude” condition.

  2. I saw that interview and it was awesome! African blacks are so different from African-Americans in their perspective… kinda like any recent/first generation immigrants compared to descendants of any enthnicity/country. My (legal!) immigrant husband has taught me to love this country better than my school did. And, the African priests who serve our diocese love the Mother Church and this country with a depth of gratitude that has made me look at both in a way that made me ashamed of having taken any and all of it for granted.

    Simon Ateba’s questions to Karine Jean-Pierre are a gift to her and to anyone else who does not appreciate the fact that there are few places on this earth where you can question the government and expect answers.

  3. Little Morphin’ Annie,

    Karrine J.P. does not like that he speaks English Better than her & is a Real Educated Black person rather than a woke Bullshit Artist.

    and Yet he has never been as Rude as little Bastardo Jimmy Acosta.

  4. I agree with every one of you. I love Simon, but I have to listen so close to understand him. I wish To hell he would be moved to the front, that would really put the spring in that kjp wig…. And Oh God,,,, those eyeballs…. who in the hell Puts all that makeup on Her

  5. @ Little Morphin’ Annie

    “African blacks are so different from African-Americans in their perspective… ”

    This is on clear display in the NBA where many American blacks are woke entitled idiots who think they are oppressed while African blacks know what real oppression is.


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