Today’s College Student – The Perfect Future Central Planner – IOTW Report

Today’s College Student – The Perfect Future Central Planner

What do want?


When do we want it?



Will we use it?


Campus Reform-

Ithaca College launched a weekly diversity discussion circle in response to last fall’s student demands, but not a single student has attended either of the first two sessions.

In fact, out of 30 participants at the first discussion group on September 4, not one was a student. Attendance was even lower at the next week’s meeting, and still no students were in attendance.

“The group is open to students, faculty, and staff,” Virgilio Pinto, a faculty advisor to the group, told The Ithacan. “But unfortunately, we haven’t seen many students at these meetings.”



ht/ wisco dave

6 Comments on Today’s College Student – The Perfect Future Central Planner

  1. This is how far our standards have slipped. Freshman year at Columbia, I had weekly chemistry labs and weekly meetings with my French professor for the sole purpose of working on my spoken French, both grammar and pronunciation. (This session was in addition to my French II class, which met three times a week).

    I can still do selective precipitations 41 years later. And I can still speak French.

  2. That’s because it was never the students making the demands. It was a professor or faculty member claiming to speak for students who made them with support from outside agitators, who probably don’t even attend the college.

  3. This class has to be a permanent fixture on campus. No one attends, but if the class is cancelled an uproar will ensue. This is what happens when you give in to absurd demands by immature people.

  4. greetingsfromyonkers ; I also had french because a foreign language was a requirement. Who’d have guessed arabic or farsi would be the preferred language now.
    I never once used it in my entire adult life and can’t remember hardly any of it.

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