Today’s Pandemic Advice: Don’t Try To Sterilize Your Face Mask In the Microwave – IOTW Report

Today’s Pandemic Advice: Don’t Try To Sterilize Your Face Mask In the Microwave

New York Daily News

It doesn’t sanitize the masks, but it could set your kitchen on fire.

People across the country have been putting face masks in microwaves in attempts to kill germs, leading fire departments to caution against the move. More

47 Comments on Today’s Pandemic Advice: Don’t Try To Sterilize Your Face Mask In the Microwave

  1. Ultra violet light will work,
    if the light is powerful enough.
    That’s how we got potable water on
    a ship I was on.Micro waves could make
    the Krono Krud mutate into basket ball size!
    Run For Your Life!

  2. I tried it, but thought it would be OK, as I didn’t think there was any metal in it. Well, it did have a metal strip. I turned the MV on for 10 seconds, and within 3-4 seconds the mask was history.

  3. A friend of mine that sounds confident (that’s the first clue to be skeptical) says as long as there are no plastic components, like a vent for example, put them in the oven at 160F for half an hour. I haven’t wore a mask yet so I don’t know. Plus I have no test equipment to determine if it is in fact sterilized. I guess I’ll just keep going bare naked on my face.


    Okay, I breathed.

    Boil the dam thing if you feel the need to kill germs. Or, who the hell does not have an OVEN!? There are other options!!

    And drink some chlorox while you at it!!

    So SICK of these NUMBskulls.

  5. I prefer sterilizing my masks in a conventional oven, set to 400, although a convection oven will do it quicker and it browns really nicely. Save the microwave oven for your socks and underwear, which you don’t want brown.


    I’m thinking taking an empty hand sanitizer squeeze bottle, filling it with super glue, and leaving it on the seat of my unlocked car. (I’m thinking it, but I won’t do it. Unless, of course, I think I can be sure of catching a Karen.)

  7. Hydrogen peroxide will kill coronavirus within 6-8 minutes, and it’s cheap. Saturate the mask and let it sit on a flat surface for 10 minutes, then hang it up to dry. Isopropyl alcohol (70% or more) will work in about 30 seconds, but it’s more expensive and hard to find in stores these days.

  8. Oh hell, just give me a bubble to live in. I’m so afraid of anything and everything.

    For the love of Peter Paul and Mary, we have turned into a nation of ninnies, afraid of our own shadow. We deserve to be wiped off the face of this planet. Well, everyone but me anyway. Just sayin’.

  9. If the purpose of the mask is to keep your own viruses to yourself, then why sterilize it? If your exhalations are laden with the China Blight virus, your body is already pretty heavily infected, right? What difference will it make if your mask has some of what you’re already crawling with?

    But if you simply must sterilize your mask, I recommend drinking gin through it.

  10. @Uncle Al – how about mounting the sanitizer on the forehead, with correct strapping and hat, with a small pex hose, 1/8 dia., going to a hand held fire button?? It could have settings or controls like a Windex bottle, spray, direct stream, mist, etc.

    A CO2 catridge, or other pump action, along that line will add some needed fire power…only as required and needed of course. We would not want to waste any good ammo…

    Like a modern day water gun with howitzer abilities as well.

    You wanna market one??

  11. @ghost — I see a major problem is materials selection to avoid the cyanoacrylate super glue clogging everything up at the first use.

    Let’s keep it simple. For an aimable glue stream, how about a dollar store squeeze ketchup bottle?

  12. “Everyone knows 1 cup of ammonia and 1 cup of bleach in the instapot works just as well.”

    c’mon now, Burr … everyone knows that’s the solution for a Neti pot, or one of them new-fangled automatic fire-hose nose flusher-outers

    … works great for that corolla virus too!

  13. @Uncle Al – maybe I forgot to mention, the design only works without your super glue application!

    Take that out and we are good to go for design development, prototype and then fabrication. Think of those hat water fan misters people wear at the beach or ball game. We could hit it big and be RICH this summer.

    But our design is for both offense and defense, not to just cool off.

    I’ll send @BFH a sketch to get things going…

  14. Put your peroxide in a spray bottle. Mist the mask heavily on both sides. No need to soak. Let sit 10 minutes. Put hairdryer on high and dry mask thoroughly.

    Place mask on vegetable steamer above boiling water for three minutes. Allow to dry.

    Saturate mask with 90% isopropyl alcohol. Allow to dry.

    Place mask in pressure container with ethylene oxide gas at five atmospheres for 20 minutes. Allow to rest 2 hours after removal.

    Lot of ways to do this.

  15. @Lowell:

    Saturate mask with 90% isopropyl alcohol. Allow to dry.

    I just read a semi-technical article yesterday about sterilizing with isopropyl alcohol and, counterintuitively, 70% does a better job than 90% or 99%. It has to do with the water content assisting in getting the alcohol through the virus shell. It’s got to be at least 60%, though.

  16. Cleaning in a microwave kay have a few drawbacks, it nay kill all the germs, It may kill you and your family and burn your house down, if you are insured it shouldn’t be that big of a deal! [sarcasm]
    PS: please be sure your beneficiaries are up-to-date

  17. Keep it saturated with chloroform. When you wake up from nappy-naptime, the mask will be ready for more chloroform. Repeat as necessary until the Sweet Meteor arrives.

  18. Are people ever going to realize that these masks are doing nothing for them and really not anything for anyone else.
    Someone today told me the masks were to protect others because they realized it would not keep germs from getting in. I asked them if masks can’t stop germs from getting in then how do they prevent germs from getting out?
    These idiot masks people are wearing are a joke.

    However, I don’t know why we always have to warn people, quit warning them and the faster we can allow them to weed themselves out.

  19. @Lowell April 25, 2020 at 8:19 pm –
    Sorry, but that is waaay too much work to keep me mentally healthy. Because this whole mask thing is an over-the-top reaction to a flu bug. I refuse to live me life in fear, stoked by people who do not have my best interest at heart. I will be careful and respectful of others, but I will also use common sense in my approach to this virus. Common sense is sorely lacking right now, as emotions rule the day.

  20. I was in wallyworld a few weeks ago and saw a shopper, a huge older lumberjack type of personage, with a tiny long-hair dachshund wearing a little custom mask sitting quietly and ever so dignified in the child’s seat of the shopping cart.

    I wish I could have taken a photograph. My heart was gladdened. It was a sweet and humorous scene.

  21. I got my collection of masks (only used once when they beat up a 90 year old Korean grocer for not voting for Hillary) from an Antifa group (mostly women) that were so ugly they no longer needed to wear them to hide their identity! Cops didn’t fuss with them anyway so why bother!

  22. The best way I found to sterilize my unbleached elastic starfish is to bleach it. Once my Petey B returns to public life I’ll start bleaching my unbleached elastic starfish again. Gotta be shining brightly with my Petey B in front of the paparazzi!

  23. @Aaron Burr – surely you jest?

    I saw a retrofitted leaf blower with a plastic tank on the back of a fellow, IN MY TOWN…AT NIGHT, near the grocer, yeah it was late after hours when the town is dark, that was when I ‘slipped out without notice’ and went for a car recon to get some beer. Heh-heh…

    And no, there were no leaves to blow away…just viral vermin, that is going VIRAL these daze, on the internet that is…


    Also, until you buy a longboard with shark wheels I can’t even LOOK at you. Filthy skateboard quitting CANADIAN.

    :returns to searching closet for extra set of Lucky brand triple 5 bearings….:

  25. Hey Aaron Burr – I am still waiting on a quote for an 1970 F100, never mind the 1990 longboard. I used to take apart the wheels in my GT board and clean out the ball bearings and put them BACK.

    Then ‘sealed’ bearings showed up in my street hockey skates and so that problem got solved. No more exposed bearings to worry about.

    I guess you want to see me end up in the dam local ER and THAT is NOT nice, these daze.

    Don’t have elbow and knee protection would have to acquire, with a the longboard with ‘shark’ wheels, will have to look that one up…

    What’s better long or wide and what do you think about the motorized ones??

    You talk about gas filled tanks and all??

    Meet you on the Hill…you on your board vs me on my four wheel skates. Okay?

  26. A steady temperature of 135°F over a relatively short time deactivates the virus if it is not massively gobbed on a surface. (Then you need 195° for 1.5 hours) I go with 50 minutes at 170°F in my preheated electric oven for my possibly licked to stick USPS letters and magazines that are thick enough to insulate themselves.
    I researched the info from several sources on the web that
    I believe to be reasonably reliable. You can too.

  27. Just a Note, guys & gals (but keep it to yourselves).

    ACE Hardware sells Isopropyl alcohol (99%) in gallon jugs. Saw seven, gallon jugs on the shelves last week during my regular visits to the store. Weird. Walmart, Dollar General, Shop-in-Save, Kroger, Walgreens, etc. has been sold out for weeks.

    Add around 1/2 a gallon of water to make close to 70% (generally, ideal water/iso-alco proportions for “germs”).

    Get a spray bottle. Fill it up and bring it with you in your car for use after shopping as a hand/other devices spray. And, bring a clean towel to dry off.

    Be sure to wipe down your bottles of booze/wine and/or beer cans with an iso-alcohol soaked, or sprayed, clean wash rag after getting home…as I always do.


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