Toddler loses arm at hybrid wolf enclosure in grandmother’s Michigan animal sanctuary – IOTW Report

Toddler loses arm at hybrid wolf enclosure in grandmother’s Michigan animal sanctuary

Michigan wildlife authorities seized more than a dozen animals from the facility

9 Comments on Toddler loses arm at hybrid wolf enclosure in grandmother’s Michigan animal sanctuary

  1. The DOJ investigation of the unmasking done by obama officials has just concluded.

    No charges.

    Yeah, we’re all shocked.

    I’ve said it a hundred times. The republican party is not going to save us from anything.

  2. Brenda Pearson, the toddler’s grandmother and the facility’s operator, didn’t properly care for the animals or her own granddaughter. She’ll likely face more jail time than traitors of the nation.

    As for the do nothing DOJ. AG Barr has set the bar pretty low. Everyone is able to hop over it to Noconsequencesland.

    Off the hook they were never really on are:
    ‘then-Vice President Joe Biden, then-FBI Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Obama’s then-chief of staff, Denis McDonough.’

    The top of the list that should be riding the first bus to prison. Well, maybe they can be caught later for something bigger. .

  3. A few years ago we were having trouble with wolf hybrids, idiot people were buying them then they were growing up and they couldn’t control them so they were setting them free or dumping them off. They’re more aggressive than a wolf. Farmers and ranchers shot most of them and at first people thought they were wolves that had escaped from somewhere but then it was determined they were hybrids.

    As to no charges for the government criminals, it’s became obvious Barr weasled his way in and is nothing more than another swamp dweller. We have learned the DOJ, FBI and CIA are nothing more than commies, it is time to get rid of them all or do away with them. They’re even worse than the EPA.

  4. My grandmother gave us a wolf hybrid when I was a kid. Didn’t know what it was originally – free mutts being mutts. It was cute as a puppy. It was always kind of aggressive but as it got older and less cute, it was increasingly…unpredictable.

    The last straw was when me and my father were talking near it in our backyard. I was about 15 at the time and petting it while I was focusing on my father. We had it for about 5 years at that point. Out of nowhere, it bit down on my hand and would not let go.

    It was gone by the next day.


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