Toddler’s littering citation dropped – IOTW Report

Toddler’s littering citation dropped

WASHINGTON (AP) — City officials in Washington are tearing up a littering citation issued to a toddler.

The Washington Post reports  2-year-old Harper Westover received a “Notice of Violation” Thursday from the Department of Public Works, with a $75 fine.

Her mom, attorney Theresa Westover, also received a citation. She called a solid waste inspector who told her a city worker had found unopened envelopes with her name and Harper’s name in an alley.  MORE

11 Comments on Toddler’s littering citation dropped

  1. “blame the postal worker-probably dumped all his/her mail
    to get off work early….. ”

    That would be suspicion #1 on my list.

    While there are a couple of letter carriers that deliver my mail that are sane and good to have a short chat with, I have had some f**ked up encounters with some of them.

    Serious head issues.

    From telling me they don’t have to deliver my mail if any dog is loose on my block – while I am standing in front of him in the street asking for my mail with no dog in sight! – to one that tore across a customer’s lawn because he had to get out of his truck to place the mail in the box. Muttering loudly: “F**KING RICH PEOPLE!” (My truck and the lawn guy’s truck & trailer blocked the top of a circle drive near the home)

    Sod flying and two tracks dug across about 30 yards of lawn.

    There’s a reason “going postal” means going crazy. Starting with the mass shooting postal-worker guy in Cali so long ago.

  2. “And do you think his Motorcycle (motorsickle) song would have been funnier if it had been about a shitpickle motorsickle?”

    lol Might have been too far ahead of it’s time and lost in translation. On the other hand, so many songs were written in drug induced frenzies back then it might have been accepted as just another one.

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