Togetherness – IOTW Report


Your “breath of fresh air” of the day.

15 Comments on Togetherness

  1. chuffed-beyond-words

    You need to get back to the ER and demand some Amoxicillin.
    Dentist wont do anything until the infections gone. However they should have prescribed too.

  2. chuffed-beyond-words MAY 6, 2020 AT 3:57 PM

    Have the Dentist call in a RX for antibiotics (Amoxicillin?)
    and gargle with original LIsterine morning and night…

  3. @chuffed
    prayers your way.
    i went through the same think early april. worst pain I’ve had in 15 years.
    30 doses of amoxicillin in 10 days cured the infection.
    novacaine and a pair of pliers ‘cured’ the tooth, i actually got into the dentist.

  4. Wir fahr’n fahr’n fahr’n auf der Autobahn

    Vor uns liegt ein weites Tal
    Die Sonne scheint mit Glitzerstrahl

    Die Fahrbahn ist ein Graues Band
    Weisse Streifen Gruener Rand

    Jetzt schalten wir das Radio an
    Aus dem Lautsprecher Klingt es dann
    Wir fahr’n fahr’n fahr’n aus der Autobahn

  5. I love how the dog waits for the cat to get situated and then after jumping up the cat brings its tail over to say “Thank you for being next to me. When do you think they’ll be home?”

  6. It really is a great site.

    But folks, realize this: we are a nation divided. Too many treasonous rats are at the top, and too many lazy, corruptable narcissistic fools follow them – for either ego or payoffs.

    We need an insurrection. Perhaps it would be a better idea to divide the nation in half. Imagine the dream lives we’d have? Even the bad stuff would be better: the death penalty would be enforced quickly, criminal prisoners would be forced to work (or starve), treasonous politicians would be hanged and the Bill of Rights for the rest of us would be supreme. We’d have low taxes, common sense regulation, etc.

    Now imagine the half of the nation we’d leave behind. One big ghetto, lorded over by a handful of tyrannts.


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