Told to remove Trump flag from boat, this is what the response was – IOTW Report

Told to remove Trump flag from boat, this is what the response was

Boat owner told to remove Trump flag. He got boat wrapped and this is what happened. from r/Conservative

My favorite comment – “the magic of “f*ck you money.”

11 Comments on Told to remove Trump flag from boat, this is what the response was

  1. Democrats are such fascist filth and should be challenged at every turn now. They’re stupid pigs who want to run our lives when they’ve made a complete hash and disaster of their own. Seriously, does anyone know of a democrat family that isn’t either a completely dysfunctional mess or a pack of fucking thieves? I come from a democrat family, and I’ve never seen it. I go to a family reunion and there’s a bunch of miserable, purple haired kids running around who look like they want to slit their wrists or their parent’s throats.

  2. Tip:

    If you have NO MONEY they also can’t do anything to you.
    Are Judges likely to give jail time for non violent offenses with incarceration costing $34,000 per year.
    How many people on welfare have car insurance?

    That is why the middle class always feels the pain. Not enough money or time to fight the little battles that drain you $50 to $1000 at a time.

    Nice Fkn Boat!

  3. I love this guy. Good for him!

    From the very top of the leftist cult to the lowest blind follower, all they care about is control. Their control over everyone along with fellow leftists lower in their hierarchy. What they don’t understand is that every one of them, EVERY one – even the one at the very top – will be under control of one who hates them just as strongly as he hates God and his followers.

    That would be Satan. They will forevermore be under his control unless they turn to God in repentance.

    I don’t want to be anywhere near the Judgement Seat when they face God.


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