Tom Arnold Interviewed By Secret Service over Anti-Trump Tweets – IOTW Report

Tom Arnold Interviewed By Secret Service over Anti-Trump Tweets

Breitbart Entertainment-

U.S. Secret Service agents visited actor Tom Arnold at his home last month to warn him that his tweets could incite violence against high-ranking politicians or even President Donald Trump.

Mother Jones published an hour-long recording of the visit from Secret Service agents, which came amid the investigation into the explosive devices mailed to high-ranking left-wing politicians including former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.

The visit also came days after Tom Arnold tweeted at Trump challenging him to a one-on-one fight at one of his rallies.

“I say put up or shut up @realDonaldTrump Me vs You. For America. First body slam wins. Any Rally. Any Time. Between now & the midterms,” Arnold wrote at the time.

The 59-year-old actor is one of many Hollywood celebrities known for his aggressive and even violent rhetoric. Earlier this year, he declared his intention show up at 12-year-old Barron Trump’s New York school and harass him in protest of Trump’s immigration policies. MORE HERE

22 Comments on Tom Arnold Interviewed By Secret Service over Anti-Trump Tweets

  1. That guys got one foot in the nut house and another one on a banana peel. I follow him on twitter just to poke him with a sharp stick. He’s freaken nuts. I agree with the judge. The guys going to off him self.

    P.S. If you’re on twitter you should follow him. Every time he posts ask him if he’s found the tapes yet. He loves it.

  2. “…..the investigation into the explosive devices mailed to high-ranking left-wing politicians……”?
    What EXPLOSIVE devices?
    Oh! and I think PDJT would kick the slob’s ass.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. It wouldn’t hurt my feelings one damn bit if these commie assholes would all of a sudden decide to commit suicide…you know like the people the Clintons don’t like do.

  4. Tom Arnold just declared victory over the fight with Donald Trump because Trump defaulted. So I naturally “officially” challenged him to a fight. Something tells me I’ll be ignored. If not, my wife will be the camera crew. It won’t last long. LOL


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