Tom Arnold, lol, Wants To Have a Fist Fight With Dean Cain – IOTW Report

Tom Arnold, lol, Wants To Have a Fist Fight With Dean Cain

The tweaking mentally ill Tom Arnold tweeted this-

“@RealDeanCain is another @realDonaldTrump loving fake Christian coward which makes Dean Cain anti-LGBTQ & racist. #complicit.”

“Tom, you’re a cowardly, slanderous weasel.” – Dean Cain

As fate will have it, Cain ran into Arnold in the back room of the Larry King show (he has a show?)

You can see the confrontation HERE.

After Cain confronts Arnold with the above tweet (which Arnold, typically, denied making) the dispute ended with them hugging it out.

Hollywood Reporter-

The onus for Arnold’s tweet, according to insiders, was his objection to Cain appearing at the Values Voter Summit, hosted by conservative Christian group The Family Research Council, which, in the video, Arnold likens to “Nazis.”

Cain was at the Glendale, California, studio as a guest on Larry King Now, which airs on Ora TV and Hulu, to promote his upcoming anti-abortion film, Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer, while Arnold was there to plug The Hunt for the Trump Tapes With Tom Arnold, which airs on Viceland.

“I didn’t back down,” Arnold told THR. “I was giving him a break by not assuming he was stupid about the FRC, which I do liken to Nazis, and now I see he’s one of them.”

Arnold also said he was upset about Cain’s decision to star in Gosnell, which tells the true story of abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell and opens Friday. “It’s a shit-fucking movie,” Arnold said.

“He played this icon, Superman, but he’s an idiot,” Arnold said. “If he wanted to fight, I took my glasses off for him. He’s a fucking pussy. Next time I see him we’ll get it going and his buddy can film it.”


How mentally ill is Arnold? He lists his height as 6′ 2″, which would make Dean Cain about 6’8″ according to this video confrontation.

Dean Cain is about 6 feet tall. Arnold appears to be shrinking.



20 Comments on Tom Arnold, lol, Wants To Have a Fist Fight With Dean Cain

  1. This is turning into a pay per view evening; the under card features Tom Arnold challenging Superman, and the Creepy porn lawyer challenging DJT Jr, and the main event Biden calling out Trump. I say it’s 20s style bare knuckle boxing rules. All of these bouts will be faster than any of Tyson’s in his prime. Bring it, bitches…this is all you have left. Still not tired of winning.

  2. In the last 2 months, Arnold has posed for photos with Cohen claiming that he was given incriminating Trump audio tapes.


    Then, he got strangled by An Apprentice producer after starting some shit at a public event.

    Now, he’s tugging on Superman’s cape.

    One day that dog is going to catch the car.

    And by dog catching a car, I mean asshole overdosing on fentanyl and cocaine.

  3. Getting into a fight like Arnold supposedly wants is like getting into a car crash – even if you know you are in the right it just makes a huge mess, with repercussions that last far long than just avoiding it.

    I went to school with Dean in Malibu and Santa Monica, as a star athlete and active in student government he was always a nice, friendly guy.

  4. Arnold was on the Ben Shapiro show last week. I had it on the Satellite radio in my car. He is totally shat-bit crazy! Shapiro could not get a word in edgewise as Arnold just rattled on and on as manic as anyone I’ve ever heard or seen.

  5. Arnolds questionable mental state mirrors that of all the Libtards. Ready to fight, just not quite sure how it’s done. Last night on Twitter Arnold wanted to fight everyone. Including me for a while.
    That second video tells the story. Arnold backs up three times during that video. Respiration is up. Right hand in the air as a defensive measure. Don’t write checks your ass can’t cash. I was disappointed to see Dean shake his hand.

  6. Tom has been free falling for how long and he has not hit the bottom and he is still alive? That must be some kind of record. Cory Feldman, it could be argued, may have it worse career & crazy wise but Cory Feldman was buggard as a child by Hollywood elite. What’s Tom’s excuse?

  7. Punching Tom Arnold would be like climbing into a pig sty to try to talk some sense into the farm animals. He’d just coat Dean Cain with his crazy crap and pull him down to his level by the time the dust settled.

  8. arnold was just in an agitated state, between intoxicants, as he was trying to sober up for his interview. That wouldn’t be his normal state, and he was probably very uncomfortable. Plus he’s just f*cked up.

  9. He used to make me laugh a lot. “Just copy the goddamn files.” Classic line from True Lies. LOL!

    I’ve changed for the better over the years (I hope so!) but I haven’t turned into an asshole like Tom did. Sad!


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