Tom Brokaw accused of Lllllewd and Llllllllascivious Behavior – IOTW Report

Tom Brokaw accused of Lllllewd and Llllllllascivious Behavior

The Greatest Degeneration


Tom Brokaw is being accused of making inappropriate and unwanted advances … on 2 female co-workers in separate incidents in the 1990s.

One of the women, Linda Vester, claims the veteran broadcast journalist and former anchor of NBC Nightly News sexually harassed her while she was a reporter for NBC on “Weekend Today” in 1994 … according to a report by The Washington Post.

Vester claims he asked her to have a drink with him, she replied “I only drink milk and cookies” … and Brokaw later called her room around 3 AM and told her to order the milk and cookies because he was coming over.

She then says he showed up uninvited and attempted to force a kiss on her, jerking her head towards his, but she resisted … then he left.

The second woman — >more


27 Comments on Tom Brokaw accused of Lllllewd and Llllllllascivious Behavior

  1. You know something, I never liked Tom Brokaw, But I am getting sick and tired of this bullshit. Enough Already. Guys fuck around, so do broads. Stop the bullshit. I swear if I ever hit the fucking lottery I would put together a team of investigators to check out every swinging dick and whore in the media industry. You scumbags better never hope I hit the lottery.

  2. Gosh. Are we really that shocked that his mushy mouth is capable of mad motor boat skills? If I were a woman, I might enjoy this man’s feable attempts at trying to pronounciate “Leon Klinghoffer” or “L.L. Cool J.” while yodeling in my gully.

    “He took the elev.. he took the elevato… he took the… he took the…

    He took the stairs…”


  3. Far to many have looked upon these nice looking newscasters as God. They’re very authoritarian on the screen and they’ve got egos bigger than a normal person. They even believe that they have the “authority” to do as they like and no one will question their integrity. This is why it’s now coming out 20-30 years after the fact (or fiction). What exactly does Linda Vester want? I had an encounter once with a guy who wanted to kiss me, take me for a drink. But I flat out told him no, that he was a married man and if he didn’t leave me alone I was going to have a chat with his wife (it was a coworker). I didn’t go running to HR to cause a scene. So, I don’t get what these women are after. Cosby may get 30 years in prison, what do the women he raped get? Seems to me the lawyers are the ones benefiting the most. What a rip off! I guess I’m cut from a different cloth, I would just let it be.

  4. You know something. I think it’s totally fitting that the millions of dollars that these clowns made simply because they were willing frontmen for Fake News leftists is now being taken by nobodies from their past who are revealing that they never earned or deserved their fame and wealth. Stars? Celebrities? hardly

    Ha ha and FU, creeps. You were never special, exc. in your own fat heads.

  5. I read the article and… that’s it?
    I guess the first one was kind of bad, but he apparently didn’t try again.
    So… I mean if this kind of shit counts as sexual harassment then there are sooooo many men in this world who are in big trouble.

  6. Well, it did kinda make me want to toss my cookies, but I also think if “No means No” you have to say I’m not interested, not something cutesy like “I only drink milk & cookies” because most guys would see that as flirty.

  7. @Goldenfoxx (at 10:55 pm): You are spot on. Once upon a time, men could make passes at women and women could decide what they wanted to do about it, yea or nay. If the answer was nay and the guy persisted in coming on too strong, the woman would deal with it without getting the law and the media involved (unless it was absolutely necessary, of course). Usually the worst that would happen was that the guy would wind up with a big red handprint on the side of his face. In any event, if what happened then wasn’t important enough for a person to come forward with their accusations at the time, how can they say it was a big deal 20 or 30 years later? Isn’t that why the law has a statute of limitations, except in the case of murder? Whatever happened to that?

    This whole “so-and-so sexually harassed me in 1994, but I just now realized I should have reported it” BS is just an attempt to get money and/or publicity.


  8. @GoldenFoxx and @Vietvet I totally agree with you. I had some things happen in the 90’s too that if I wanted media attention and a pay off I might be able to get it-but no way. I was disgusted by the women I saw overly emoting in the hallway after Cosby’s verdict. Really? Sisterhood of the Traveling Lawsuit.

  9. Remember.

    No matter who they are in this life, big or small, powerful or powerless, assailants or victims, God has assured ALL hypocrites their place in the Lake of Fire. That is what He considers justice.

  10. This story is overblown BS although I do enjoy watching Mr. “Holier-than Thou” get his nose rubbed in it. When your sympathies have always been for the politically correct it’ll bite you too sooner or later.

  11. I’m with VietVet, back in the day, hitting on women, go or no, was a huge part of what being a young man was about, (late 60’s, 70’s and 80’s for me) we hit on them, they hit on us, if it happened it happened, if it didn’t we didn’t wait 30 fucking years to whine about it! We hopefully learned something from the rejection and altered our hits accordingly.
    Man, people seem to be willing to do just about anything, including selling their dignity and self respect, for a few lines in a newspaper or a 7 second sound bite on TV…(I got rid of TV years ago, none of us seem to miss it)!
    Today, women who were absolute sluts back then are trying to unseat a duly elected President and in my world, that’s bullshit and she should be shamed into obscurity! She’s a fucking porn hoe, who gives a shit what she says? Unless I’m staring at the top of her head, I don’t give 2 flying Russian rat fucks what she says?
    Fuck her bullshit!
    Whether it happened or not, I don’t know, and the ONLY 2 people who do are the 2 involved, my belief is no, it didn’t happen, if it had, she could have popped up at ANY time and accused a BILLIONAIRE of this shit, yet didn’t! Being a porn star blows her credibility right out of the water, (no pun intended)!
    As far as this Brokaw shit? Who knows? Who cares? He’s a lib, if someone destroys him and his reputation (Thank You, whomever you are), that what he gets for siding against this country, I feel nothing at all for him!

  12. Woode and Wascivious. Linda Vester was a hottie, one of the original Fox Babes … back in the day. The problem is when a man (or woman?) in POWER makes a play for a subordinate, that is the kind of sexual harassment that Bill Clinton and Charlie Rose and David Letterman excelled at. Looks like Brokaw went the same route.

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