Tom Cotton Calls Harry Reid a Cancer – IOTW Report

Tom Cotton Calls Harry Reid a Cancer

Powerline- Sen. Tom Cotton took to the Senate floor to denounce the “bitter, vulgar, incoherent ramblings of the minority leader,” the “cancerous” Harry Reid. And it gets better from there. Take it in—just two minutes long:

ht/ just the tip

14 Comments on Tom Cotton Calls Harry Reid a Cancer

  1. Dayyyyyy-um.

    Not one of those phony, “the right honorable gentleman” or “my dear friend from _____” references!!! The ghost of Henry Clay is ‘a smiling.

  2. The sooner that Harry Reid’s “exercise bands” take him for that fun filled ride to a hole in the Las Vegas desert the better off his legacy will be. Those exercise bands can be pretty vindictive when someone doesn’t follow through with their side of the bargain and those doorknobs, damnnnnn.

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