Tom Fitton- Jack Smith’s Espionage case is collapsing – IOTW Report

Tom Fitton- Jack Smith’s Espionage case is collapsing

Tom Fitton- Jack Smith’s Espionage case is collapsing

11 Comments on Tom Fitton- Jack Smith’s Espionage case is collapsing

  1. I think the democrats knew from the beginning this entire thing is a sham. All they hope to do is keep him occupied until after they steal the next election.

  2. Of course it is a sham… of epic proportions. They knew full well that they didn’t have a case, but they would go ahead anyway on the thinnest of chances to win in order to fabricate a case, rig the court and stack the deck. Partially because they have zero ethics or dedication to the rule of law, but to create outright vial harassment of an opponent and it wasn’t going to cost them a nickel to do it! They have free and unfettered access to OUR tax dollars and they will spend, spend and spend some more to attempt to bury the man who threatens their existence the most… simply because they can’t compete on the issues!

  3. 1. FBI and GSA compile a bunch of classified documents.

    2. GSA sends those documents to Mar a Lago without any request for those documents from Trump’s people. The GSA literally says Trump HAS to accept the documents.

    3. Trump’s people set about categorizing and securing the documents according to federal law.

    4. The FBI shows up with warrants looking for the very same classified documents that the GSA said Trump HAD to accept in the post.

    5. FBI and DoJ push media narrative that Trump “stole” classified documents he never took and never asked for.

    Everyone involved in this shitty, disgusting setup should be fired and prosecuted. What an absolutely evil, scheming, shitbag thing to do. JFC.


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