Tom Hanks Wishes Donald Trump Well – IOTW Report

Tom Hanks Wishes Donald Trump Well

“I hope the president-elect does such a great job that I vote for his re-election in four years.”

Don’t get too excited, the rest of the article is garbage truck juice.

It’s a self-sucking homage to movies and actors, as if they alone make the world go round. Hanks talks about how people can “get through this horrible period in time,” this “two steps backward” period, by attending movies!

After all his snide, pompous asides, Hanks throws in this well wish to Trump, but not during his speech. It was later on in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.

The rest of the article talks about how people are seriously pressuring Hanks into a presidential run.

Didn’t they just say a reality TV star is not qualified to be president?

16 Comments on Tom Hanks Wishes Donald Trump Well

  1. And I hope that Tom Hanks continues to be successful in his battle against collectivism-sparked paranoid psychosis, and that in four years I don’t have to read about him in involuntary confinement kicking at the orderlies and trying to bite through his restraint straps.

    What? I only wish the best for the fellow.

  2. In 2008 I said “I hope I am excited to vote for Obama in 2012”. It didn’t happen, and I never expected it to, but at least I gave the POS a chance.

    Not like today. The party that calls us the party of “No” are saying “No” before the man even takes the oath.

  3. @uncle Al, just googled it. Looks like thebourbon I sipped does have a high rye content. I had it over ice tonight, but want to try it neat. Really smooth. Think I will get a bottle for my Christmas present for me. Smile again.

  4. Let’s see his qualifications:
    1. Name recognition–check
    2. Abundance of hubris and self-confidence–check
    3. Actual experience and knowledge outside of Hollywood–Houston we have a problem.
    Maybe he can get a couple of presidential roles to get him ready.

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