Tom Perez Making Things Even Worse At The DNC – IOTW Report

Tom Perez Making Things Even Worse At The DNC

It was a rough week at the DNC even before Donna Brazile’s revelations of how the democrat party organization sold itself to the Hillary Clinton campaign.

First, they fired their chief fund raiser after only 5 months and a consistent record of raising only half of what the RNC has been able to receive from donors. More

Then there was the purging of Bernie Sander supports from important committee assignments. More

And finally, there’s an e-mail from someone within the DNC who is responsible for hiring the replacements for the Pakistanis who did their IT work (and we all know how they worked out). Apparently, straight white men need not apply for these jobs at the DNC. More

DNC is rapidly becoming a DuNCe.

15 Comments on Tom Perez Making Things Even Worse At The DNC

  1. The RNC would have greater numbers of contributions if there were actual leadership in the House and Senate who believed in the principles of the Republican party.

    The RNC said give us the House and things will change.
    We gave them the House, nothing changed.

    The RNC said give us the Senate and things will change.
    We gave them the Senate, nothing changed.

    The RNC said give us the Presidency, things will change.
    We gave then the Presidency and the House and Senate (led by Ryan and McCONnell) became obstructionists and worked against President Trump and the will of the American people.

    The RNC still hasn’t gotten the message. The GOPe are tone deaf, continue to obstruct every effort to eliminate obamacare, curb illegal immigration, build the wall, prepare a balanced budget, cut waste and fraud, cut taxes, prosecute breaches of National Security and many other issues promised during the election.

    Like many, I refuse to donate to the RNC and their affiliates.
    My donations go direct to the principled conservative candidates, not the tax and spend RINO candidates who support the establishment strangle hold on America.

  2. The Dem’s war on men.

    A glance at the DNC staff and the Hilary campaign looks like “Queer Nation”.
    Beta male fags. Robby Mook is the template.

    They don’t want white straight men as voters, either.

  3. Tom Perez looks like someone central casting would have sent for an 80s drama about how latin american socialism has been undermined by Reagan.

    Spoiler alert: He should still face execution from a CIA backed hit squad.

  4. I have a friend out in Cali, haven’t spoken since the election, we had a bet.
    If Hillary won, I was to call him and tell him I thought Hill would be a fine president and vice versa.
    He was as confident as CNN, it was an easy bet, he thought.
    He has yet to call, I’m contemplating calling and asking if Hillary stole my number from him too.
    Keep this up, they will have undecideds voting conservative for 200 years.
    no apologie to LBJ

  5. Identity politics and Diversity are just PC names for anti-white racism. And most white people have figured that out, even the Quisling-like pieces of shit who actually push that crap. In a country that is 65% white, that is a self-imposed death sentence on any party that dedicates itself to identity politics. The DNC is just the hate-whitey party now, and you can only find so many brainwashed, fucktarded white kids to keep that sort of thing viable in a majority white country. And most of those white kids will grow out of it as soon as they see what vicious, hateful, racist cunts they are mixed up with.

  6. The Africans, with some assistance from other ‘groups of color,’ have taken over the DNC lock, stock, and barrel! The old titular whites like Biden, Lurch, Shillary and Sanders will all be purged out in the near future and the makeover will be complete! They will still rely on some useful white idiots to give them cachet but it will be a strictly minority-run cabal!

  7. DEMOCRAT INTER-PARTY WAR: The women’s conference

    Chicks who want to have dicks
    Chicks who have dicks

    I think it’s funny how they try to out-victimize one another. They are so jealous one group gets attention over the other.


    The black feminists complain that PINK is not inclusive because black women don’t have pink anything.


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