Tom Petty in Critical Condition on Life Support – update: Multiple sources reporting Tom Petty is Dead – IOTW Report

Tom Petty in Critical Condition on Life Support – update: Multiple sources reporting Tom Petty is Dead

Tom Petty was rushed to the hospital Sunday night after he was found unconscious, not breathing and in full cardiac arrest … law enforcement sources tell TMZ. EMTs rushed to his Malibu home and were able to get a pulse. He was rushed to the UCLA Santa Monica Hospital and our sources say he was put on life support. Petty’s condition is unknown but was critical from the moment he was found. Pettyis 66.
HT/ js

54 Comments on Tom Petty in Critical Condition on Life Support – update: Multiple sources reporting Tom Petty is Dead

  1. “Well I know what’s right.
    I’ve got just one life.
    In a world that keeps on pushing me around.
    But I’ll stand my ground.
    And I won’t back down.”
    Rest in peace, Tom

  2. Is this the rapture? Because this would be a good time to have one. Christians want to leave, and others want them to leave, so the devil can take care of what’s left over.

    Sounds like a win-win.

  3. Seeing all these icons from my younger years go down makes me feel like I’m whistling past the grave yard every time another joins the all star heavenly choir.

    RIP Mr. Petty

  4. “So how come David Crosby, Ozzy Osbourne and Keith Richards are still alive?”
    Well, Keith Richards is alive because all the illegal drugs in his system are too busy fighting over which one is going to kill him.

  5. Keith Richards can’t be killed by either conventional or nuclear weapons. When we seemed to be getting close to nuclear war with NK there was a thing going around “Stop all this talk of nuclear war… Think about the kind of world we’re going to leave for Keith Richards.

    The rest are on their own.

  6. Goldenfoxx
    They have that Petty/Prince/Lynne version of ‘While My Guitar Gently Weeps’ playing in one of the auditoriums at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.
    Very loud.
    With the seats shaking to the deepest bass.
    Fantastic stuff.

  7. People come, people go
    Some grow young, some grow cold
    I woke up in between
    A memory and a dream

    Pull through dude.

    But let me get to the point, let’s roll another joint

  8. He was one of the best. He will be missed

    The summer of ’81 I was driving a freight truck in Florida for a summer job during college. I lucked out with an additional gig house sitting a beach house in Jacksonville during the week (the owner was there Saturday and Sunday). Tom Petty owned the beach house next door. There was a party going on all the time. I got to meet Tom Petty once as he was touring that summer. Meryl Haggard was there most of the summer and I got to see him and Roy Orbison do a jam session. That was the best summer of my life.

  9. If he came to the hospital on a respirator because of a heart attack, it means his heart is gone. What’s the point of keeping him going.

    I’ve seen this whole agonizing process play out a couple of times now. Everyone our age needs to make it clear — do not resuscitate

  10. @Calmelennie- He does have a DNR. He did have support, but it was pulled, at family request. And he fights on, but from what I just heard, he isn’t expected to go much longer.
    I hope he is peacefully going through this.

  11. Way too young. RIP Tom, you were one of the great musicians of our generation. You made the world a better place through your music.

    This is one of those “life sucks” moments and they start coming way too fast when you hit a certain age.

  12. From his wiki:

    Petty spoke in 2014 of the benefits from his practice of Transcendental Meditation.[44]

    Maybe he’s just in meditation. I don’t think it’s working out too well for him. Maybe he can get his buddy Hillary to show him some breathing techniques through the nose.

  13. True Confessions tour with Petty & Dylan was our first concert the missus & I saw together, 31 years ago. It was one of those days where nothing could go wrong.
    Wasn’t expecting to say goodbye so soon.

  14. Tom, I wish you well. When he hit it big, he could have easily dumped the Heartbreakers and banked tons more money for himself. He didn’t. He stuck with his friends who helped him get to the top. That says a lot about him, in my opinion. As a guitarist, seeing him live was like watching what all the greatest vintage guitars ever made, were made for. There’s an authenticity to his songwriting, which really connected with me.

    Hope Tom has a room at the top of the world tonight.

    My wife bought us 5th row tickets to see him when I was grieving the loss of my dear Dad. That brought me a lot of joy at a time I really needed it.

    Along with Wildflowers, the soundtrack to ‘She’s the One’ is one of his best.

    Thanks to Tom for sharing his music, and prayers for his family.

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